We Need To Talk

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💎💙The last chapter you should have read is "R.I.P."💙💎

      I flutter my eyes open to see that my husband is not laying beside me. I struggle as I try to sit up on my own. I grab the sheet of the bed as I help myself stand. He must be downstairs. I take shallow breaths as I make my way down the steep stairs feeling a thorn pierce my lung with every breath. "Raven?" I hear my husband call out. I stop in my tracks as I see him at the end of the stairs. "You're supposed to be in bed, not up walking around" he says while walking up the stairs and gently lifting me up into his muscular arms.

    "I was making sure you were ok" I say as he carries me downstairs and sits down on the couch with me in his lap. He lets out a sigh and then says "I know... but you need to stay in bed" he says back to me. "I heard you on the phone... is everything ok?" I ask. "Yeah..." he says as he avoids making eye contact with me. "Hey... what's wrong?" I ask once again. "Babe... we need to talk" he says as he lets out a sigh. "About?" I ask with hesitation slipping out of my shaky voice.

"Do you remember what I told you before the accident? If something happened to you because of him, that I would leave?" he says straightforwardly. "What are you saying?" I question as I sit in more of an upright position. "I had to do it... I made a deal with Joker, I leave in 6 days" he says quietly. That's when I fill with rage. "Why would you do that?" I snap as I push him away, trying to get off his lap. "Babe stop" he says as he holds onto me. "Look at me" he says as he slides his hand under my chin. "I told you if something happened, I would have to leave. I can't risk anything else happening to you" he says while making eye contact with me.

   "Do you even know how long you're going to be gone?" I ask. "He thinks it's a permanent thing" he answers. "Permanent? Garfield..." I say but then he interrupts. "I know, I know. Rae he's not going to trust me immediately, it's going to take some time. You know I'm not going to be gone forever" he says back to me. I sigh and lay my head down on his shoulder. "I'll probably be gone for a few months at the most ok?" He says as he caresses my back.

"I'm worried about you not coming back at all" I say quietly. "Hey, that's not going to happen" he says back to me as he lifts my chin up. "I'm not going to see you after you leave am I?" I ask. "I'll do what I can to see you again" he says as he places a kiss on my lips. That statement, can mean more than one thing. I'll do what I can to see you again... Does that mean he'll take action upon his words? Does that mean— he would kill? "Is there something you want to ask me?" My husband asks while he's reading my facial expression.

     "Are you going to... kill him?" I ask as the word 'kill' sends a cold shiver down my spine. "I want to... but I won't. I wouldn't want to make you feel any different about me" He says back to me. "My feelings aren't going to change for you... even when you do leave" I say as I rest my head up against his.


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"Good... I don't know what I would do if you ever stopped loving me" he says as he looks at me with his forest green eyes. "For better and for worse remember?" I say back to him, recalling our wedding vows. I watch a soft smile appear on his face and he says "Till death do us part." I place a kiss on his cheek as he motions me to lay my head down on his shoulder. "In 3 more months it will make a year for us, a year of us being married. It doesn't seem like it's been that long" he says while sighing.

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