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Today is May 11th, it's been exactly 2 weeks since my husband's memory has been erased. I've received no call, no text, and no visit from him. What if he doesn't remember me? Or what if he remembers me but just doesn't want to come back? What if he forgot that he loves me?

"Raven" I come to as Dick calls my name. "We're all going to discuss some ideas to get Beast Boy back. Are you coming?" Dick asks. "Yeah... I'm coming" I reply and follow him into the living room.

💚💎Garfield's POV💎💚

"Take a 2 hour break. The next move is robbing Jump City's National Bank" Joker orders. I follow my teammates and get into the car as Lorenzo drives us home. Something doesn't feel right... something feels off. Like there's a piece of me missing, but every time I ask someone, they blow me off. My name is Garfield Mark Logan, also known as Beast Boy. I was adopted by my parents when I was little. I moved to Jump City for a few years and realized that I hated it, so I decided to move here. To Gotham City.

The only family I have is Axel, Striker and Lorenzo. Other than that I am alone, at least, that's what they want me to think. We arrive at our home and all of us go in without hesitation and head to our rooms. I've been here for a few months but I can't remember anything, I can't tell if some things are real or if I just dreamt it. I have so many questions, that no one can answer. And this is my first one.

     2 weeks ago, I noticed that I was wearing this ring on a necklace

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     2 weeks ago, I noticed that I was wearing this ring on a necklace. When I'm alone, I put it on my finger. I feel like I've been deceived by everyone, and that there's no one I can trust. No one will answer me, and I don't understand why. I also found a phone in the bottom of my shoe, but I don't know the password. I feel like a stranger in my own body... in my own mind. I'm thinking if I can figure out the password to my phone, I'll have answers. I've tried my birthday, but it's not correct. Maybe it's someone else's. Maybe it's the person that's wearing the other ring... my wife?

     "Beast Boy we have to get going" Lorenzo calls from behind the door. I reluctantly get up and slide my ring back onto my necklace. I walk downstairs and get into the passenger seat of the car. "Is this one going to be an armed robbery?" Axel asks. "Yes, I have the gun" Striker answers. "Lorenzo will be waiting outside and the rest of us needs to grab as much money as we can before the Titans get there" Striker explains. "The who?" I ask, the name sounds familiar. "The Titans, they are some bad ass superheroes, we'll be in trouble if they get there before we leave" Axel says as he shakes his head. "There's 4 of us" I reply. "And 5 of them" Lorenzo says.

"Do they have powers?" I ask. "3 of them do, the other 2 are just regular humans" Axel answers. "We can handle them if we have too" Striker says with confidence. "We have about 30 minutes until we arrive at the bank, let's get our minds focused" Lorenzo states.

💎💙Raven's POV💎💙


We all jump at the sound of the alarm system going off. "Trouble at the bank!!! Let's go!!" Nightwing commands. We all flee the tower and rush towards Jump City's National Bank to see the criminals holding hostages inside. "Titans GO!!!" Nightwing shouts and we jump into action, but I freeze in my tracks when I see who's inside.

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