Late Christmas Shopping

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     I flutter my eyes open as the sun peers through the curtains and that's when I feel Garfield's hand under my shirt and near my bra. I feel my face turn red as I look at him still fast asleep. I try not to move so I don't wake him up. As I lay here in bed in silence, I start to notice the warmth of his hand and arm on my side.I put my hand on his extended arm that's on my side. As soon as my hand touches his arm, he pulls me closer to his body to where our chests are touching and we can feel each other's body heat.
**30 Minutes Later**
     I open my eyes to realize that I fell back asleep. "Good morning baby" He says while rubbing my back with his hand. "Morning" I say as I rub my eyes. "How long have you been awake?" I ask. "I woke up a few minutes after you fell back asleep again" he says back to me. "How did you know I was up earlier?" I ask. "Your breathing pattern is slower when you're asleep, and plus I can hear your heartbeat, it sounded like you had just ran 5 miles without stopping" he says while laughing. That's when I realize that I can't keep any secrets from him because he's half animal. He can sense when I'm anxious and scared.
"Was it because I did this?" He says while placing his hand up my shirt causing me to jump. I thump him on his neck and he laughs again. He sits up as he leans over me and plants a kiss on my lips. "When we get to the mall do you want to go get breakfast?" He asks, looking down at me. "Sure" I say back to him. "I'm about to go get ready" he says as he starts to get up. I grab his wrist and he turns to look down at me. "What's got you so clingy?" He says as he smiles and leans down to hug me.
**35 Minutes Later**
    After we both get ready, when get into his car and drive to the mall. We start to get out and that's when a familiar voice greets us. "Voodoo, string bean" we turn around to see Jason sitting on his motorcycle.

      "Oh hey Jason, you look jolly this morning, what's up?" Garfield says sarcastically

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      "Oh hey Jason, you look jolly this morning, what's up?" Garfield says sarcastically. "Last minute Christmas shopping, what about you?" He asks. "Us too" Garfield says as he laughs. "We're about to go get breakfast, do you wanna come with us?" Garfield asks. "Sounds good" Jason says while putting his helmet down on his motorcycle. We walk into the mall and go down the food court. We go into a small breakfast cafe called "The Royal Waffle." We sit at a small booth, with me sitting beside by husband and then Jason sitting in front of us.
The waitress comes to greet us and all 3 of us order hot chocolate since it's 24 degrees Fahrenheit/ -4 degrees Celsius. "Hey Rae look, I found the rest of the hair rainbow" Garfield says while eyeing 2 teenage identical twins with red and orange hair, and he's right. I have purple hair, he has green hair and there goes some teenagers with Orange and Red hair. "Haha good one" Jason says while laughing and fist bumping Garfield. That's when the twin with the red hair makes eye contact with me.
I quickly advert my gaze and turn my attention to my husband. "Should we make a list of what all to buy everyone?" I ask. "Yeah that would help" he says while looking at me and then looking at the twins. "What the hell are they staring at?" Jason says while turning around to make eye contact with them. "I don't know, there's no way they heard us, humans don't have that kind of hearing" Garfield says.
"Let's ignore them, they'll go away eventually" Jason says while turning back around. "I need to make a list too" Jason says. Jason pulls out his phone while I pull out mine and we begin making our Christmas list.
**25 Minutes Later**

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