Baby Logan Is A...

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"Rae get up" I open my eyes in agitation as a fat green piglet is jumping up and down on the bed. "Leave me alone" I groan as I close my eyes, trying to fall back asleep. "Baby don't be mean to me" he says as he puts his piggy mouth in my face. "Eww" I say as he rubs his snout on my face. "What do you mean 'eww'? I thought I was cute" he says while putting on a frown. "You would be cuter if you would let me sleep" I say back to him.

He squirms in between my arms and lays his piggy head on my pillow. "Be still" I say as he squirms some more. "I can't, we're gonna find out if we're having a boy or a girl today" he says as he lets out a small snort. I jerk my eyes open as I feel him morph underneath me into his human self. I lay my head on his chest as my arm rests on his muscular abdomen. "I'm hungry" I say as I look up at him. "Let's go get something to eat before we go to the clinic" he says as his hand caresses my back.

I nod my head as I sit up, today is February 5th. It's hard to believe that I'm already 12 weeks pregnant. When I stand to the side, you can barely see my baby bump, the doctor said that I probably won't really start showing until I'm 14-18 weeks. By the way, It's been 3 weeks since Garfield has last 'Beast Out'. That's a good thing...right? Cyborg said he has one mutation left and it will be complete. "Babe?" I shake my head slightly as I come out of my thoughts, to see my husband kneeling down in front of me as I sit on the edge of the bed.

     "Are you ok?" He asks while running his hand down the side of my head. "Yeah, why?" I ask. "I was just talking to you and you didn't answer" he says back to me. "I'm sorry, I was just lost in thought I guess. What did you say?" I ask as he stands on his knees which makes him eye level with me. I'm still not used to his new height, he looks more grown now.  "I asked where you wanted to eat at" he says as he stares into my amethyst eyes.

"Oh... it's up to you, I'll eat anything" I reply back to him. He smiles as he looks down at his feet and then back up to me and says "I hate when you say that." "I hAtE wHeN yOu SaY tHaT" I say mockingly as a grin appears across my face. "Haha" he says sarcastically as he stands me up. "You're just loving that aren't you?" I say with a sigh, referring to his height. "You look so tiny" he says while laughing.
I then float up into the air, to where I'm eye level with him and he puts his hands on my waist as he softly pulls me near him to wear our upper bodies meet. I wrap my legs around his lower abdomen as he holds me up. He leans forward as his lips lock with mine. I wrap by arms around his neck as I lick his bottom lip, letting a small giggle escape my lips. "You know you're hotter when you laugh" he says while raising his eyebrows up and down.
      He sits down on the edge of the bed with me still in his arms. Our lips clash together once again as I feel his tongue enter my mouth. He then kisses my jawline as he makes his way down my neck. "Wait" I say, letting another giggle escape my lips. "Not before we go to the clinic" I say as his hands are placed inside my shirt. "Rae I feel like you do this to me all the time" he groans, causing me to laugh. "I'm sorry" I say as I peck his lips. "Mmhmm" he says while staring at me with his big eyes.
     "I'm going to start doing that to you" he says as he licks my top lip. "Start doing what?" I ask. "I'm going to start turning you on and then saying no" he says while laughing. "Haha yeah right" I say as I roll my eyes. "What do you mean 'yeah right'?" He asks. "You couldn't say no if you're life depended on it" I say while letting a smirk appear across my face. "Yes I could" he says defensively. "Oh really?" I say seductively as I lick my lips, letting my gaze fall down then relocating my gaze back up.

        "Rae don't start" he says while laughing and looking away from me. "Start what?" I whisper ever so softly in his ear. I feel the the temperature from his cheek rise as it nears my shoulder. I put my hand under his chin and I pull his face towards mine. I kiss him softly and slowly, watching a light pink dust his face. "Babe" he says while looking away from me once again. "Hm?" I say innocently while my hand travels up his shirt, caressing his abs.
"Alright, I'm done playing now" I whisper into his ear and then peck his lips while letting a grin take over my smile. "You're in trouble when we get back home" he says while slowly descending his hand down my lower back and inside my jeans. "Uh huh" I say as I get off his lap. We walk downstairs and into the garage as we both get into the car.

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