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I woke up to the sound of our alarms going off and I see that my husband has already been awake. "I'm sorry Rae I thought I turned those damn things off" Garfield says as he hits the alarm button. "It's ok, I needed to wake up anyways" I say as I sit up. "Are you ok?" I ask as he bounces his leg up and down. "I don't think I can be in the court room with him" he answers. "What do you mean?" I ask in question. "I might have an outburst and try to kill him... it's the beast within me" my husband says with no emotion.

       "It's going to be hard for us but acting out is what he wants and we will not give him that satisfaction... no matter what he stole from us" I say with hatred seeping out of my voice. "You're right, let's get ready and get this over with" he sighs. I get out of bed and walk to our bathroom to get a quick shower. I wash my violet hair and watch the shampoo trickle down my body. I begin to scrub my skin with my loofah as if I'm trying to shed my skin and then I jump out of the shower with a towel wrapped around myself.

    My husband immediately jumps in and I brush my teeth and comb my hair. I apply moisturizer to my face as well as light makeup to seem professional and then I throw on my fitted, black pencil skirt and white blouse. I then slide on my black Louis Vuitton heels and grab Garfield's black suit out.

          "Hey Rae can you text the groupchat to make sure everyone is going to meet us there?" Garfield asks. "Yeah" I respond and pick up my phone.


                             Titan Group chat

Me: Garfield and I are leaving the house in about 15 minutes, are we still meeting up outside the courthouse?

Cyborg: I'm already in the parking lot. I'll see y'all when y'all get here.

Starfire: Yes we will be outside of the house for court! I am packing Mar'i's bag now, she will be staying with the sitter of babies.

Jason: I'll be there.

Me: See you all soon.

Dick: 10-4

      "Cyborg is already there, and the other Titans will meet us there" I say as I notice my hands shaking while putting my phone down. "I'm ready" he says as he is tying his shoe lace. I follow him downstairs as we lock up our house and enter the garage to leave.

****15 minutes Later****

    Garfield and I unbuckle our seatbelts and get out of the car as we are greeted by our fellow Titans and friends. "Are you ready?" Cyborg asks as he eyes Garfield. "Ready to get this over with" He replies. "That makes 2 of us" Dick adds. "Let's go" I say under my breath as we walk through the court doors and are greeted by our attorney Akira Sakurada. "Good morning, perfect timing" he says with a smile. "Let's end him once and for all" he says with a smirk as he holds the door open for us. We look at our teammates one last time and we walk to the front of the courtroom and sit down while our friends take the seats far behind us.

     "When do they need to take the stand?" Garfield asks Akira. "Don't worry. I'll call them up if need be. However, with this much evidence and witnesses I doubt this will take too long, I am 100% confident we will win. I will approach the case with strong claims against him and I will end it that way too, when the judge walks in, stand and you can have a seat when he allows it." Akira states. "Why aren't they here yet?" I ask, referring to Joker and his attorney. "Late of course, his attorney is a real piece of work. His attorney can only defend him by saying that your husband willingly went to him with bad intentions and had nothing to do with your car accident." Akira says.

   "What about the guys I worked with when I was with Joker?" Garfield asks. "They will be our holy grail in this case" Akira says with confidence. Just then, the whole room feels with silence as the devil himself walks in wearing all orange and handcuffs, being escorted by 6 officers. He makes an insidious laugh as he makes eye contact with me and my husband. I hear a low growl come from Garfield's throat and I grab his hand to help calm him down.

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