Chapter 33

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Brooks POV

    "I know Mom, I know." I huff. "I had no idea she was going to go and talk to Dad...Yes, I'm telling the truth! Listen, I've got to go to class. I'll call you later." And I click the phone off, shoving it back into my front pocket.

    Heat rushed to my cheeks, my palms are coated in a sheen of sweat and I swear every hair on my body is standing straight up. I cannot believe Sydney went to go speak with my dad, without telling me first...without even asking me if it was okay! I know she has good intentions and she thinks she is helping but she is most definitely not. My parents are nothing like hers, conversation and reason don't get you very far. Agreeability and submission are more of their style.

She made things so much worse by going to him, she is just proving him right with her "unpredictability and dramatics".

Damn it Sydney! I clench my fists at my sides while a rush of frustration washes over me.

The voice in my head sounds way too similar to my father's.

"See, I told you, she's always gonna be unpredictable."

"You're never gonna know what she's gonna do next"

"Drama is gonna follow that girl everywhere."

"You need a nice girl, simple, happy, not a spitfire..."

I shake the thoughts away, hating myself for even letting them in even for the briefest of seconds.

I need to know what she said and what the hell she was thinking, why she didn't even mention it while we were texting last night before bed? She should have been the one to tell me so I wasn't bombarded by my mother's ridiculous notions that I put her up to it.
She claims it's my intention to completely get under my father's skin just to prove to him I'm a man! I rolled my eyes at the replay of her words that were coming through the phone. She acts like I enjoy fighting with them, trust me it's something I've avoided for 20 years.

People are rushing into the building I'm standing outside of, the chill of the air prominent around us. My first class of the day is getting ready to start so I guess the conversation I need to have with Syd will have to wait. I take a deep breath of the cold air and as it fills my lungs the fire I feel somewhat settles. Maybe between now and then, I can get my Dad on the phone to do some damage control or this situation is going to continue to spiral.

I pull my phone back out as I walk through the doors of the tall stone building.

We need to talk -B

I press send and hold my breath. I kept my message to her simple because I'm really unsure of what else I needed to say. I've never been so upset with her before. Doubt surfaces in the back of my mind about if we're really worth all this turmoil with my family and once again I'm shaking the doubts from my mind.

Of course, it's worth it, you idiot. She's everything you need in your life, her fire, her courage, the way she follows her heart and can pierce your soul with one look from those blue eyes. She's always going to be worth it.

Sydney's POV

  I was so emotionally tattered after speaking with Mr. Dawson I barely texted Brooks back last night.

I didn't know how to tell him, I didn't know what to say.

   His father's opinion means so much to him even if he doesn't want to admit it right now and his opinion of me is far from what anyone would want their parent to think of a significant other.

  How are we supposed to find happiness together long term if he has to disregard what his parents think? More specifically why do they think so negatively about me? I'm barely an adult and they have already categorized me as a wild child with no direction. Isn't that what kids are supposed to be? Wild while they still can be? Before the responsibilities of the world take control of their life and they are forced into the mundane existence of bills, work, and routine? I never thought that wanting to experience the aspects of life without a direct plan was going to cause strife in my life at such a young age, let alone in my first real relationship.

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