Chapter 28

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Sydney's POV

After lots of subtle hints and a clearly convincing pouty face selfie, I managed to get Brooks to agree to come home for fall break.

I cannot wait to see him.

It will only be for two nights, he has to go back early for some exam prep stuff but I didn't care. Any time with him was better than nothing. I know he was super nervous about seeing his family but I kept trying to reassure him that he could make it through two days and that if it did blow up in his face I would be there to tend to his emotional wounds.

Only 4 more hours and he would be here. My body is feeling jittery just thinking about it.

His last class was over at 2 pm so by the time he makes it home it'll be around 5. There's no football game this weekend since we play in Regional next week and I'm so thankful. This was going to be the first time that Brooks and I could be an out-in-the-open, hand-holding couple. Even if we did just spend our weekend sitting in my parent's living room.

I didn't care, the excitement that pulsed through my veins was giving off enough energy to support the entire computer lab I was sitting in.

The hours on the clock ticked by slowly and every time I would try to focus in class the thrumming in my heart would remind me that Brooks was on his way back to me. When the final bell rang I practically ran to my locker to collect my things. Layla approached me as I was shoving everything into my bag.

"Someone's in a hurry." She states obviously aware of the reason why when I noticed the sly smile spread across her round face.

"Uh...yeah, I'm, well...." I still feel uncomfortable talking to her about Brooks so I'm usually left stuttering around like an idiot.

"Excited that Brooks is coming home ?" She finishes my thought. "It's okay Sydney. Really. I'm glad that at least one of us had the nerve to stand up to Daddy Dawson." Her eyes drop down to the tile floor.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem like you've really been down about your Dad lately, more so than usual." I question her.

She looks around the hallway, the buzz of our classmates everywhere. "Yeah...It's nothing. I'm just over the control my parents have over my life, but hey, only a matter of months and I'll be as free as Brooks."

I reach out and put my hand on her shoulder as I adjust the strap of my bag, "Well if you need to talk, you know I'm always here."

"I know Syd, thanks. But seriously get going, I know how much the two of you have missed each other." As she takes her finger, points it into her mouth, and gags, followed by a laugh.

I bust out in laughter, give her a little shove and rush down the hall to the school parking lot. I meet Quinn close to the exit and just like Layla she has this glimmer in her eye like they know something I don't. She doesn't even try to stop and talk to me she just pushes me along blowing a kiss as I pass her.

Completely confused by both of my friend's actions I keep moving. I have just enough time to get home and freshen up before Brooks will be here. The jitters resurface as I push through the door and my breath hitches in my throat.

Standing there against my newly purchased car, hands in his front pockets, one foot propped up on the driver's side tire, his hazel eyes look up as I step onto the concrete of the sidewalk, a big smile filling his face.

Before my body can catch up with my brain I feel my feet moving quickly underneath me as I realize I'm running toward him. His long arms reach out to me as I leap into his arms and bury my face into his neck. Taking in the smell of him, the warmth of his arms wrapped around me, it's like a movie scene as the world spins around us and we are standing completely still.

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