Chapter 3

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3 years ago

"Guys, let's try and pull an all-nighter!" Layla squeals as we settle into our sleeping bags on the floor of their family's game room.
"Yeah, okay, that'll happen. You take that magic little melatonin pill and we will see you in 8 hours." I quip as Quinn laughs hysterically.

"I do not fall asleep that fast! " Layla tries to defend.

Without another word we all three burst into laughter, knowing that she will be out like a light before Quinn or I have even let out a yawn. We hear the front door open and slam shut as someone rushes into the house. We get up the steps as fast as we can and press our ears to the door at the top of the stairs.

"Sweetie, what's the matter?" Mrs. Dawson says in the sweetest reserved voice I've ever heard to her oldest and only son.

"Girls, girls are my problem. They are exhausting." And he stomps to the third level of the house.

We all look at each other and try not to burst out laughing again, failing miserably to do so. 

The idea of Brooks, Layla's dreamy older brother having trouble with girls was completely ridiculous. He was the senior star basketball player, standing at 6'3" with a slender muscular build and the most melt-worthy hazel eyes and light brown hair. Every girl had a crush on him, everyone but Quinn and me. Quinn because of her obsession over her new boyfriend, Sam, and besides that Layla would absolutely murder either of us for falling under the Brooks Dawson spell. So I definitely, totally, and completely did not think he was possibly the cutest boy I had ever seen, least I wouldn't let Layla know that.

    It was our last night of summer before our freshman year. The three of us always have a slumber party before school starts and this year would be no different. 

Layla hosted this year and her mom pulled out all the stops, well at least as much as her straight lace would allow. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson are the nicest people in the world, but they hold their children to a high standard and the people their children choose to spend time with so whenever we are staying in the Dawson residence we make sure to be on our best behavior until they go to sleep that is. 

Even at 15, I have trouble keeping a handle on my smart mouth, but out of respect, I bite the inside of my cheek to prevent my sarcasm from running too freely. I'm sure if they could choose friends for their precious Layla, it would not be Quinn or me but they never complain and always welcome us into their home.

As our night progresses we pig out on junk food, gossip about whatever small-town drama is floating through that week, and finally, settle on a movie.
"I give it 10 min and she's out,"  I whisper to Quinn.

"More like 3." She giggles back

"I can hear you two! " Layla growls at us.

Once again we are rolling in laughter and within 15 min she is sound asleep. Quinn is buried in her phone talking to Sam and I'm in need of a water refill.

"I think I'm gonna call it a night," Quinn tells me finally closing her phone down.

"Well I'm gonna run upstairs for some water and since you two party animals are going to sleep I guess I will too," I whisper and Quinn rolls her eyes. 

She rolls over and I dart up the stairs. As I round the corner of the doorway I smack straight into something in my path. As I collect my bearings I realize what I ran into, or rather who.

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