VI. DaVinci Fortress [Part II]

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It has been a while since then. Only three days remaining until they depart. But—— it gets worse and worse every single day. Some of what that they need for their departure is gone!

Zeal sighs when he sees 16 loads of gasoline are on the floor of the storage room. With the temporary lockdown in the base, they couldn't get more gasoline from the outside. "They're smart." He says. Kendric is inside the storage room unarmed. He comes out safely with his combat boots soiled with gasoline. "How is it in there?" He asks him.

He shakes his head. "There are probably enough for..maybe one-fourth."

Zeal glances at the crowd, spotting one suspicious person at the back. The man is whispering to someone then walks calmly away from the crowd. "I see."

"What should we do Captain? Even the media outside are waiting for answers." Kendric adds.

He walks to the front of the soldiers, and sternly looks at all of them in the eye. "The temporary lockdown is done! I want all of this cleaned up! And after that, we will have an emergency meeting! Understood?"

"SIR YES SIR!" The soldiers reply.

Just now.. They saw the irritated and serious Captain Underwood.

An hour later, Kendric leads Zeal in a quiet and private room with two headbands with wires connected to each other.

"What's that?" Zeal asks.

Kendric smiles, "This is a working Gaian technology."

"The origins huh? What does it do?"

"You'll see." He gives him a headband and they both wear it. They sit down on their chairs. With no warning, Kendric presses the button then they instantly appear in a different world, a different dimension, but same room.

"What happened?" Zeal touches his head, the headband is nowhere to be found. "Where is it? Where are we?"

"We are in a different dimension through the use of technology. Pretty lit huh? But anyway, we didn't come here to talk like this. We came here to talk about a plan."

"What's in your mind?"

Kendric rubs his chin as if he is thinking deeply. "I need to check the security cameras, but I can't with them going around."

"Same. That's why I said that we will have an emergency meeting. I need you to check the security cameras and get evidences."

"Then arrest them?"

"Let's see."

"I don't know about that but— I'll trust you with it."

They come back in the room and remove the headbands on their heads. Kendric looks at Zeal with concern. "Captain."

"Mm?" He looks at Kendric.

"Do what's best for Commodore Diara sir." He stands up and salutes at him, then leaves the room.

Zeal taps his foot while thinking deeply. The 17th Fleet is his family. They are family. But need to help them, to guide them, for their own good.

They cleaned up the spilled gasoline and hurrily go to the location of the urgent meeting. The Training Grounds. Zeal stands infront of them. "I'll make things simple for everyone. In three days.. WE WILL DEPART WITH ONLY ONE-FOURTH OF THE FLEET!" He sees some of the soldiers reactions. Almost all of them have the tiger look. But there are—— two, who reacted. Of course, they can't just rely on reactions as evidences.

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