Chapter 1: Invasion

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The air was thick and cold, and a huge explosion puffed ash and debre into the air. People were scattering everywhere, screaming, running for their lives. The Crystal Gems were trying to calm people down, but failing miserably. A huge pound was heard as a big capsule struck earth. It looked as if it came from space. A gigantic cloud of dust puffed out from underneath it. The citizens of beach city continued running and some even left the town never to return, but even they would not be safe. The capsule was fourty feet long and was very short. It was only two feet high. The capsule was shaped kind of like a coffin. It had a piece of glass shaped like a star. The surface of the capsule seemed shiny and the glass was dark and fogged.

Then, suddenly the top shot off only to come to rest right beside the capsule. A strange figure stood from the capsule. It was a gem. This gem was bright red, with two glowing rubys on her forearms. She had dark orange hair, and her voice sounded slightly alien like as if she was always bored. She had spiked hair and a long nose. She jumped down and looked around to see the people scattering. She then said in that bored voice,"Rise my freinds, this is the place we've been looking for." As she said this five other gems that looked exactly the same as her stood up and jumped out of the capsule. Then five more, and five more, and five more untill there were thirty one gems standing in one spot all identical. The first red gem took out a device of some sort and pressed acouple buttons.

The Crystal Gems were hiding behind a rock trying to figure out what was happening." Pearl, what are they doing?" Amethyst whispered this to Pearl trying to be as quiet as she could. Although she tried to be quiet, she was still pretty loud. The red gem then started talking about something, but the gems couldnt hear. "Shh! Amethyst!" Pearl said in an accual whisper. "We would know if you weren't talking so much." "Too much? How is that too m..." Pearl put her hand over Amethyst's mouth to silence her. Amethyst just crossed her arms and turned a bit. "Well exuse me for not knowing. I highly doubt they're here to do anything good." Amethyst was still being pretty loud. "Amethyst! This is serious! We need to know what they're doing here."Pearl peeked over the rock, but quickly ceseeded. She turned back to the purple gem. "And we can't do that if you keep talking. Its preventing us from hearing anything!" Amethyst was still turned with her arms crossed. "Your also preventing us from hearing them, your talking to!" Pearl stared at her. "I'm not as loud! Not to mention your carrying on the conversation!" Garnet pulled both their heads down to stop their argument. "Just stop, ok?" Once they could hear, everything was quiet. No voices. No noise. Complete silence.

It took a second for Pearl to realize that they missed everything! Pearl had a very disappointed look on her face, she turned to look at Amethyst and started to have an outburst. She started to get very loud, "Amethyst, seriously! We missed our ch...!" Pearl threw her hands over her own mouth. She had possibly been too loud. Amethyst let out a tiny giggle just quiet enough to evade Pearl's attention. Then there was complete silence.

Pearl had a moment of terror as she had thought the ruby gem had noticed them. She was nearly frozen. They waited a moment and not a single word was spoken. The ruby gem did not come. She soon felt certain they were safe, and Pearl then let out a sigh of relief. "Huh?" The red space gem turned and looked at the rock. She sneaked closer and both gems on her fore arms glowed. With a light bing, a handle or stick of some sorts appeared next to the ruby on the right of the gem glowing with tremendous strength. Then on the left side, A thick course blade that shined even brighter appeared next to the glowing ruby and the two bits clashed together. A wave of light swept over the terrain and completely shattered the rock protecting the Crystal Gems and the handle stopped glowing. The blade dimmed to reveal flames. Then the weapon stopped glowing completely. The sword was completely red and the flames were a piercing blood red. The hoard of red gems drew their weapons in the same fashion.

Then, the ruby gem swung her sword and a menacing streak of red flashed in the path of the sword. She dirrected her swing at Garnet. Garnet bent back into a ninety degree angle, just bearly dodging the swing. A tiny chunck of her afro popped out but she didnt care. She summoned her gauntlets and pounded her hands together. She then threw Pearl and Amethyst up on a high cliff without hesitation. She made her gauntlets three times lager and spun in a circle like a giant fan. The ruby gem got hit hard right in the face with a loud smack. The gem flew and hit the wall and fell to the ground with a puff. Her weapon dissapeared and a flurry of sparkling light slowly deteriorated into the air. Soon after, Garnet had stopped spinning.

The ruby gem hoard let their weapons desinegrate in a sparkling flurry, and for a split second, it could be described as beautiful. The ruby coppies ran over to help the leader. Garnet looked up to see her two friends still safe on the cliff. She regenerated her afro, then hopped up herself and although she looked calm, under her glasses, she had a really worried expression. Soon, there was a very faint whistle that was really hard to hear. A tiny circle of shadow lurked behind them. "Look out!" Garnet yelled to the other two oblivious gems. The shadow began to form over them, and it grew at a rapid pace. Garnet and the gems sprang back and mannaged to get to higher ground. This time on a very steep slope difficult to climb. In their attemp to get up there, they had to use Amethist's whip, and Pearl's spear to even scale the big rocky slope. Very soon the shadow grew huge, then, another capsule struck the ground. It looked the same as the first, shiny with dark, fogged up glass. This time A blue gem with a sapphire stepped out.

This gem had a voice very Similar to the red one. The gem's sapphire was on the back of her head. She had light blue hair and purple shades. More blue gems came out of the capsule. Once again, they were identical. They drew their weapon, and it too, was a bright flaming sword. But this sword was different. It just smoothly flowed out of the gem and the sword looked like a katana and was blue with beautiful blue flames. Then, more capsules fell. Each sounded like a meteor striking earth with the intent on doing serious damage. Each capsule was the exact same as the first. Slick shape, long and short, shiny surface, and dark fogged glass. The capsules opened and released green, purple, orange, yellow, white, and black gems. They all looked similar each with distinct features. The green gems had tassels on the sleve and an emerald on their chin, purple gems had exuberant attitudes compared to the others and had wierd misty gems on the backs of there hands, orange had bulbs at the end of their weapon and orange cristals off their shoulder, yellow had big vales on their head and topaz on their cranium, white had big stars on the left boot and a glowing quartz on their neck, and black had dark red eyes with a diamond shaped onix floating in circles around them.

They all had colored flaming swords and the flames on the swords varied in shade of the gem's color. "Pearl, Garnet, what's going on?" Amethyst looked very scared and confused. Since she was made on earth, she hadn't the slightest idea of what was happening. Garnet, looked down at the many gems with their swords. Some combinations of groups like yellow, purple, and blue, looked very harmless and warming, but others like red, orange, and black looked menacing. She gave a slight gesture to pearl and nodded. She then looked back at amethyst."Its an invasion." She said this with a very unsettling tone. Everything was completely silent except for the wind. The air still felt thick, but some how crisp. Time just seemed to stop and just about nothing could break the spell that was cast upon the gems. Then suddenly, a loud young male scream broke the still silence. "What was that!?" Amethyst looked more nervous than ever. She averted her eyes away with a frightened look. Pearl had a worried face and turned toward the temple. "STEVEN!"

The Great Gem Invasion - Steven Universe Parody #1Where stories live. Discover now