Chapter 3: Bio Melingual

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     As Opal floated through the vortex she suddenly felt weightless. The endless spirals of the flakey black, red, and purple were hypnotizing. She managed not to fall under it's spell by focusing on the one thing that mattered. Finding Steven. After what seemed like an eternity, Opal saw a dim light at the end of the seemingly infinite vortex. Then, the light grew brighter and brighter up to the point where Opal had to squint to even see. Then, Opals face got all deformed and by the end of the tunnel, she had split back into two gems.

     They plopped out of a tiny hole that inside the alternate universe that lay at the end of the vortex, was a huge gate. Pearl stood up and looked around. Amethyst got up too and was more confused than before. All there was, was a completely flat landscape with dead bushes and glistening dust everywhere. The sky was very gray and it let off a very creepy vibe. Pearl then grew a worried face and turned to Amethyst. "I think this might be a Bio Melingual!" Amethyst just stared at pearl, really confused. Pearl made it sound serious, so Amethyst grew attentive to what she was saying. "Amethyst! Do you know what that means?!" Amethyst just slowly shook her head. "Nope, never heard of this place." Pearl stared at her and just blinked once. "I don't know exactly what this place is or what it does, but I've seen Hieroglyphs of it and let me tell you it is not good!"

     As she said this she immediately got a splitting migrain directed near her forehead. "Agh.." This was a swift sound and was very high pitched. Pearl lifted her hand up to her head. She put her thumb on one side and the middle finger on the other. She tilted her head down with a slight moan. Amethyst looked up to see Pearl's face strained. "Uh, are you ok?" Pearl just nodded. She tried to focus on finding Steven, but she could bearly consentrate on anything. She looked up with her hand still up to her head. She saw that the entire world was flat. Steven could be anywhere in that place. She put her hand down and looked at Amethyst. Amethyst seemed just fine. She didn't seem to be in any pain. Pearl just looked ahead and started walking. Amethyst looked over to see Pearl moving and quickly rushed to catch up with her.

     The two were walking strait hoping to bump into Steven. Pearl hoped that the terrain would be an endless loop. So if they went the wrong way, they could start over in a different direction. They passed a bunch of dead bushes and what apeared to be piles of sparkly dust. Pearls migrain stayed as they walked for a long while, but the two quickly got lost. The gate was nowhere to be found and still no sign of steven.

     Pearl managed to slightly ignore the migrain and could focus better. She looked over and saw foot prints possibly left by a sandal, with lines all on the inside. Pearl looked up feeling overwhelmed with happiness and fear. This feeling only made her migrain worse, so she tried to stay calm. She had a good feeling that these were stevens tracks. She followed them, with Amethyst close behind. They soon heard a low moan and it startled them. Pearl had a very worried face, fearing Steven had been hurt. She rushed over and Amethyst followed. Instead of seeing Steven injured, they saw an angelic yellow-gold gem lying on the ground and Steven on his knees next to her. The trail led to where steven was sitting.

     "Citrin..?" Steven had a worried face and turned, to see his friends. "I met her when I got sucked in here..." His voice was shakey. "She.. she was fine before, just weak.." He started to cry. "She complained about head-aches and major fatigue.. Th-then she just...collapsed..." Steven had tears streaming down his face. He then noticed Pearl holding her head. "...Pearl?" Citrin managed to turn her head towards Pearl and gasped for air. "...Pearl..." She had a very raspy voice. Pearl looked into Citrin's eyes and saw the agony she was going through. She looked at Citrin's gem and it apeared very brittle. It had multiple cracks and was very dull. Pearl started to cry. The cause was a mix of the pain of seeing a good gem in such agony at near death, and her knowledge of the danger she and Amethyst were in. She turned to see if Amethyst was ok. She still seemed fine, but she was slightly pale. Pearl turned back to Citrin and Steven. Steven still had tears flooding from his eyes, rolling down his face, and dripping onto the cold hard ground. Citrin then turned to Steven and with all of the energy and strength she had left, uttered these words. "...S-save them Steven... G-get them o-out of here so they d-don't meet the same fate as m-me.."

    She said this so quietly, only steven could hear. Citrin was then struggling to take full breaths. Amethyst suddenly got a sharp pain in her chest and dropped to her knees. She was shaking slightly with her arms around her abdomen. "Ugggh.." She let out a long moan and Pearl turned in her direction. Pearls migrain instantly grew to severe levels and she put both hands to her head. Citrin then said to Steven, "...h-hurry..." Steven looked over at his friends, both obviously in pain, then back at Citrin. Citrin then turned an extremely pale yellow, and then tan. She became too weak to even breath. Her brittle gem disintegrated into dust with such silence. The wind grew and Citrin turned to sand. The wind then blew the pile of sand away and the ground leveled out. Then, everything was silent. All he could hear were the moans of the other gems.

     Steven looked at where Citrin had once been. It was almost as if it never happened. The only evidence left was some light sparkles of yellow and the small dots of where his tears had landed. He looked back at his friends and still crying asked, "..Y-you're not going to die...are you...?" He had such an epression of sadness and was shaking with fear. Pearl looked up, her face still strained and looked at him with one eye open. Amethyst was still on the ground, the gut whrenching pain getting worse. Pearl was worried about Steven and wondering why he wasn't getting his energy drained. That's what happened to all gems in this kind of place. She guessed it was because he was half human and didn't rely on energy from his gem. Steven still just stared at Pearl obviously really nervous, awaiting an answer to his question. Pearl was hoping to say no, but she feared that was a lie.. She couldn't bear to tell Steven the truth, so she just didn't respond...

     Amethyst then let out a terrible cry. "AAGH!" She was still on the ground, bent over and was turning very pale. Her gem started to dull and became weak and Pearl was panicking. "Amethyst..." Pearl couldn't think of what to do or what would happen. She knew they had to get out of there fast. "Hang on Amethyst!" Amethyst was still shaking and could bearly talk. "Ugggh." Her voice sounded very strained. It sounded as if she had forced it out. Then, Pearl too, felt like falling and was experiencing major fatigue, but she stayed strong. She knew that if she went down, they were doomed. Then, Amethyst began to turn even more pale and her whole body ached terribly. All she could do was remain motionless. One small budge caused the ache to violently stab all over. Pearl watched in fear, as one of her closest friends was on the verge of possible death. Pearl couldn't bear to look, and she too, was engulfed by the pain. She couldn't take it anymore. She was heavily burdened with fatigue, pain, and the need to escape. Then, it was just too much. She collapsed to the ground, right next to steven.

     Steven was terrified as he watched the gems suffer. He was terrified because he knew there was nothing he could do. "Amethyst! Pearl!" He was crying next to them as he felt useless. In his eyes, they were doomed. The entire situation was hopeless. He lied down in the middle of the two, still writhing in agony, and began to cry. He looked up at the gray sky and felt drowsy. He looked to the left to see pearl curled up on her side. He looked to the right to see amethyst bent over, motionless and pale. He looked back up, and closed his eyes. He figured if this really was the end, then it was inevitable. He lay crying, whispering, "Good bye."

The Great Gem Invasion - Steven Universe Parody #1Where stories live. Discover now