Chapter 5: An Old Ally

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     Steven and Pearl popped out of the hole in the inky black ooz, both still crying, and the hole seceded. Pearl and Steven stood up and looked around. Pearl managed to stop crying and shifted her hand slightly to make sure she was still holding the pouch. Thankfully she was, and she let out a small sigh of relief. Steven wiped the tears from his eyes, but they just kept coming. Pearl, looking very depressed, walked over to the door and noticed it still had the ooz all around the edges. She tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. She took a few steps back and ran into the door with her shoulder. The door bearly budged, and the ooz slowly made its way to fully cover the outside of the door. Pearl then walked back further and Steven stepped back a little. She then rammed the door again but nothing happened.

     She rubbed her shoulder and walked back over to Steven. "The ooz is like, a cement. I can't break down the door!" Steven managed to slightly controll the tears and then looked at Pearl. "What about the window?" His voice wasn't wavy anymore. Pearl looked over at the window near the door and drew her spear. The window was ooz free and she decided to take advantage of it. She walked over to the window and jabbed the spear right through. The window shattered with a loud crash and fell on the floor in a frenzy of shards, but the weird ooz was one step ahead. By the time pearl had pixlated her spear away, the ooz had managed to cover the entire area where the window once stood and quickly hardened.

     Pearl was getting frustrated and stamped her foot on the ground. "Oh c'mon!" Steven walked to the couch and sat down. Pearl walked over to the counter and looked at the temple door. The once ooz covered door was now completely clean and Pearl just stared at it. She carefully placed the pouch down on the counter and walked over to the door. She closed her eyes and her gem glowed. The door's light blue dot glowed and the door pulled apart strait down the middle with a small half circle on the right. Through empty doorway, they could see the fluent movement of the water, gently caressing down in multiple waterfalls, and riples spewing out in all directions. Pearl was shocked that it worked, then quickly ran over to the counter, grabbed the pouch, and ran into her room with the door quickly closing behind her.

     Inside Pearl's room, she bubbled the pouch and jumped into the water. She hugged the bubble tighly to make sure it didn't float away, and she rode the spiral falls into Amethyst's room. She looked down and squinted a bit to try and not look at the room. She was afraid that if she did, she would start crying again and get distracted. So she walked slowly through the room carefully avoiding any stray object that might be in her path. She then found the small puddle that led to where they stored the gems they captured. She carefully dipped the bubble in and let it float into Garnet's room. Pearl, still trying avoid looking at all the stuff stepped into the puddle and landed into the room as well. She then looked for the bubble with the pouch and couldn't find it. She stepped back and her head bumped a bubble. The bubble popped and she turned around to see how bad it would be. When she looked on the floor, there was only the pouch.

     She picked it back up and walked to the fire pit in the middle of the room and looked up to a gem that was incased in a Rose Quarts bubble. Back in the livingroom, Steven had finally stopped crying. He was lying on his back staring at the cieling, moving his legs back and forth. He flipped onto his stomach and faced the temple door. He was wondering what exactly Pearl was doing rushing inside the temple so quickly. Then, a loud puff was heard and the temple door began to open. it formed a red Y shape, and slip apart in three triangles. A misty green fog seeped out the cracks and when the door fully opened a huge puff of green smoke went every where. Steven was very shocked and confused at the sudden occurrence. He sat up and moved to the far end of the couch. A dark shadow emerged from the mist. Steven did not want to see what would come out. He stood up off the couch and bolted for the door.

     Unfortunately, the door was still solid in place and wouldn't budge. He turned around very slowly and saw the shadow of a hand creeping up to him. He yelled in terror and dropped to the ground. The hand then touched his back and he shouted even louder. He turned around to see Pearl wide eyed, holding a busted centipeedle gem. "Steven, its just me." Steven slowly blinked once and then squinted to try and see Pearl in the mist. "Oh, sorry." He looked downwards, a little embarrassed. He then looked back up to Pearl and then at the busted gem. "Wha? What's that?" He saw the gem move a bit. It moved again and began to glow. "Steven quick! I need you to try and fix this gem!" Steven agreed and licked his hand again. The gem was moving side to side really fast, and was pulsing with light from the multiple cracks.

     Steven set his hand on the gem and it stopped pulsing light. It also stopped moving and the entire thing glowed. The gem then dimmed to reveal no cracks. The sphere then slowly formed a flatter shape and ended up in a wierd oval. The gem bagan to float and Steven was flabbergasted. "Steven, you did it!" Pearl and Steven watched in awe, as the oval gem slowly rose while still glowing. A human figure formed around the gem. The figure was tall and was about the same size as Pearl. The gem was silver and and had a long draping dress slightly lighter than her skin. Her hair was short and bobbed, and she wore fuzzy boots with fur around the top. She slowly lowered to the floor, to finally be laying on the floor, facing Pearl and Steven. Pearl grew a huge smile on her face and walked up to the gem. The silver gem looked up, and when she saw Pearl, smiled and began to cry. "Moon Stone?" Pearl directed this to the gem. Pearl looked as if she would cry too.

     "Wha? Who's Moon Stone?" Steven was confused. He only knew of some gems like Lapis and Peridot. He had the thought that all other gems were bad. Pearl hepled Moon Stone stand up, only to be hugged by her old friend. Pearl's grin got even bigger and hugged her back. Moon Stone wiped her tears. It had been so long since she had last seen Pearl. Pearl then looked over at Steven. "Oh, Steven, this is Moon Stone. She was a Crystal Gem, but we lost her in the w...". She looked over at Moon Stone, then back at Steven. "Well, there was a..." She paused, trying to find the right word"...conflict. It was absolutely devastating when Moon Stone got, eh, corrupted." Moon Stone looked down at Steven. "Oh, hello." Her voice sounded so calm and gental, that Steven couldn't help but smile. "Hello!" Steven replied, ever so giddy. Moon Stone turned to Pearl."So, are the others here?" Pearl looked to the ground."No, that's where you come in." Pearl looked up at Moon Stone, and reached in her pocket to grab the pouch.

The Great Gem Invasion - Steven Universe Parody #1Where stories live. Discover now