Chapter 4: A Treasure To keep

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As Steven lay between the two suffering gems, he reminisced of all the wonderful memories that he shared with them. He remembered the time they got him all those Cookie Cats. He licked his lips, remembering the tasty frozen treat. He quickly regretted this because the wind had blown lots of dust and sand on his face which was now on his tongue. He wiped the dust off with his hand and looked hoplessly at the gems. He couldnt stand the thought that they were going to die soon. He tried to think of more happy memories to ease his emotional pain. He then began to remember the many times he got control over some of his powers. He slightly grinned at the memory of first meeting Connie and the time he saved her with his bubble, and the time he bubbled his beloved centipeedle friend. Also, he remembered the time he summoned his shield with Lapis and how he helped Lapis go home by... "Wait!" He said this very loud and Pearl cringed at the sudden noise that just worsened her migrain.

Steven had a regretful look on his face when he looked at Pearl and just whispered he was sorry. Then he quietly pondered the idea that had just recently popped in his head. He figured that if he could heal a busted gem, Connies eyes, and his dads broken leg, then he could at least give the gems enough energy to walk out of there and recover. Steven walked over to Pearl and looked at her gem. It looked translucent and slightly brittle. Steven then licked his hand and saliva ozzed down from his palm. He kneel down and moved his hand close to Pearl's head. A small glob of spit fell from his hand and landed on her nose. She shivered at the disgusting glob but stayed still. Steven then placed his hand on her head and the saliva permeated her gem.

The pearl then gently glowed and she instantly felt refreshed. Her migrain went away and her body no longer ached. She swiftly sat up and rubbed the glob of spit off her nose with her arm. She looked up to Steven and softly said. "Steven, you... thank you Steven. She looked over to Amethyst and got a frightened look. "Quick, fix Amethyst!" Steven looked over and Amethyst was still trying to remain motionless. She knew that she would have to turn over since she was basically face down. She tried to move but found it extremely painful and dificult. She tried to move her arm and it instantly was engulfed by a sharp pain and she quickly stopped trying to move.

Pearl stood up and walked over to Amethyst. She was going to have to flip her over on her side to be fixed. She then held onto Amethyst's arm and tugged lightly. Amethyst instantly felt the pain return and retreated her arm. "Amethyst.." Pearl said softly. "I don't want to hurt you, but I also don't want you to die." She got tears in her eyes at the thought of Amethyst dieing, but quickly wiped them away. She looked at the pale purple gem. "I know it's hard, but I need your participation. Please, I don't want to lose you." Pearl then tried again to flip her and this time, took a different aproach. She pushed Amethyst's side and she flipped like a turtle. Steven ran over with his hand already licked and looked at her gem. It was very brittle and had multiple cracks. Just like Citrin before she died. Steven, without hesitation, stuck his sloppy wet hand on her gem and it too, was engulfed by the saliva. It started to glow but quickly faded again.

Steven looked very confused and worried. He turned to Pearl and got tears in his eyes. Pearl was extremely concerned. "...It must be... too late..." She said this with lots of waves in her voice. She bagan to cry and tears rushed from her eyes. Amethyst had too much energy drained. She couldn't be saved. Tears flooded from both Steven and Pearl as Amethyst slowly turned so pale, she didn't even look purple anymore. Steven was so upset, that he rushed over to pearl who had stepped back and was crying on the ground. Pearl stood up and Steven jumped into her arms and vigorously hugged her sobbing. His tears got her tunic wet. She kneeled down to get to Stevens eye level and looked into his wet, tear filled eyes and looked then to Amethyst. Amethyst, still had enough strength to say one last thing, as did Citrin. "...Pearl..." She said this so quietly Pearl could bearly hear it. Pearl looked up from her hands and walked over to Amethyst.

"...Pearl..." She was so weak and her voice was very raspy. Pearl kneeled down close to Amethyst's face and looked at her. "...Please...go...get Steven...out" She was getting almost too weak to talk. Pearl looked at her with tears still flooding from her eyes. "Amethyst." She said this with such a sad tone. "Pearl..." Pearl could bearly hear a single word. About to die, Amethyst managed to get out these last words. "I'm sorry..." *Whoosh* Amethyst's gem decinegrated and she turned a tan color. She then turned to sand and just like before, got blown away. Pearl reached into the wind and caught a small handful of the sparkly dust from Amethyst's gem.She stared at the pile in her hand. Still crying she drew a small pouch from her gem. The pouch was lavender and was the size of her pearl. It had a gold lace around the top hanging down in two small strands. She poured the dust into the pouch and tightened the top by yanking on the strings. She then tied it with a perfect bow and stared at the pouch.

Steven looked at the pouch in Pearls hand and the tears just became more violent as they continued to flow. They both said nothing as they slowly walked back to the gate, following the footprints they left. All the way Pearl just stared at the pouch crying along with steven. They left a long dotted trail of wet soil from their salty tears that hit the ground, and soaked in. Once at the gate, Pearl lifted Steven and tightly clutched the pouch. She then got sucked into the gate along with Steven and the pouch with Amethyst's gem dust. They both cotinued sobbing as they traveled back to the normal demension.

The Great Gem Invasion - Steven Universe Parody #1Where stories live. Discover now