Chapter 2: The Ooz

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The sun began to set and the Crystal gems were panicking. Pearl had thoughts racing through her head while she was pacing back and forth murmering something. Amethyst, still pretty confused sat on the edge of the high cliff trying to process what was happening. Garnet was observing all the different gems that were on the beach at the bottom of the cliff. She was using her third eye to try and find a good conclusion to the other gems being here. Pearl knew that the cry had come from Steven, but there was a good mile or two between her and the temple, and lots of unknown gems that could potentially be very dangerous to fight. Though the Crystal Gems are very skilled in combat, chances are, the clone gems are too. Not to mention they have a huge overtaking in numbers. Each of the Crystal Gems would have to fight over 80 clones by themselves. She shook the idea of powering through the hoards to get to Steven thinking it was an irrational option. She also pondered the possibility of shape shifting, and found there were not many possibilities of it backfiring. Still, since there was a possibility of it going wrong, she also set that option aside.

The clones on the beach started to talk for a good ten seconds and the gems could bearly make out these words. "I think fuse is idea that good. Dance sinc to four bigger gem. The bi mon es be strong get garden." It didn't make much sense. Mostly because they were all talking about different things at the same time, and the gems were on a high cliff. So Pearl and Garnet agreed on a single basic sentence. " Lets fuse to form a bigger gem by dancing in sinc." They stuck with that because it made sense and they didn't want to spend all day trying to figure it out. "So, they want to fuse? I hope not soon." Pearl said this to Garnet who was clearly focused on something. She pointed out to Pearl that the clones had possibly been grown in a kindergarden somewhere. When Garnet pointed this out, Amethyst just looked away out into the ocean. She seemed to look upset, but Pearl didn't really notice.

Garnet looked back down at the beach and Pearl continued pacing. Garnet then got a very conserned expression."Speak of the devil." Garnet said this sounding unsettlingly calm. "Wha?" Pearl rushed to the cliff edge nearly falling off. She looked down at the beach, and as if on cue, the gems were dancing. The clones got in groups of eight and had formed a circle. The entire beach was illuminated with a gorgeous rainbow of colors as the gems danced perfectly in sinc. The beautiful array of colors astonished the three. They had never seen so many gems fusing at once. Especially not in such a diverse collection of colors.

Pearl then said without hesitation, "We have to fuse!" Garnet turned to Pearl, and Amethyst looked up. Pearl said this with such a stressful tone. Garnet then told Pearl, "You two fuse, I'll stay here and watch these clones." Pearl tried to argue. "But... Garnet, I." Garnet just held up her hand and Pearl was silent. She repeated herself. "You two fuse, I'll stay here. One of us has to make sure this fusion thing of theirs doesn't get too far." Pearl just stared at Garnet. Amethyst got up and walked over to Pearl. Pearl reluctantly agreed and followed Amethyst to the center of the cliff. Unlike a while ago, Amethyst was serious and tried to synchronize with Pearl. It was a successful fusion on the first attempt. A bright blob formed a tall shape as Amethyst and Pearl phased into each other. The blob grew a solid huminoid shape and began to dim. Then the light stopped to reveal a fusion.

Garnet looked up to see Opal standing just half a foot above her. They both looked at each other and nodded. Opal then took three steps back and charged towards the temple. On the edge of the cliff she jumped and was propelled high into the air. She glided swiftly and smoothly over the hoard of glowing gems and they stopped the fusion process. They stared upwards as opal gracefully flew right over them. They then focused on fusion again and started dancing for a second attempt. The beach was once again, illuminated with many colors as they tried to fuse once more. Opal then landed on the ground with two hands down and two hands out to the side. She stood up strait and looked out to the temple only a short ten feet away.

Everything seemed fine, but she had a bad feeling. She walked up the stairs to the beach house and paused three feet away from the door. She was hoping to hear something. She feared she would hear stuff breaking and Steven screaming, and to open the door with monsters everywhere. She hoped that she would hear Steven laughing, hanging out with Connie, or watching TV, or anything that meant he was ok, but to her disappointment, she didn't hear a thing. Thankfully, she didn't hear a monster or some sort of struggle, but also no Steven. She walked up to the door and placed one of her four hands on the knob. She slowly turned the knob, not knowing what to expect. The knob clicked and she pulled the door open.

She looked inside to see that all the lights were out and The fridge had been knocked over. She looked to the left to see the TV screen was smashed. She also noticed that Stevens bed was upside down at the bottom of the stairs and the table in the middle of the room was flipped. There were books and trash everywhere, and the counter had a huge chunk missing. She walked in further to get a better look at things. As she did, she noticed that the temple door had been drawn on with sharpie or some kind of black marker, possibly even paint. She walked up to the door, and noticed that the ink was fresh. It was dripping onto the floor slowly oozing its way down. She lightly touched the ink with her bottom right hand and it felt warm as if it was just aplicated. When she tried to pull away, her hand was stuck to it and she noticed it was like an ooz. The front door slammed shut and black stuff oozed all in the cracks. She tried to free her hand but it wouldn't budge. Suddenly, the black ooz began to glow a dark menacing purple and a loud whirling groan came from the ooz. A hole then formed in the ooz and started to suck Opal in.

"Aaagh!" Opals hand was the first to get sucked in as she struggled to get away from the vortex. The vortex was unusually deep and the inside turned a menacing blood red. She turned away and pinned her foot to the ground. She got a serious look. "I have to find Steven!" She said this over and over while trying to grasp onto something. She couldnt find anything within reach. She pulled out Pearls spear and stabbed it into the ground for good resistance. The vortex was strong and Opal was really struggling to hold on. She turned around and stared into the hole. As she did, a wave of fear rolled over her, and she came to a terrifying realization. She turned to the spear and stared at it. She knew then what she had to do and she made it disappear. She turned to the gaping hole in the wall and stopped resisting. She then flew into the hole getting completely engulfed in the ooz. She looked to the front door as she had a relieved look on her face. She then uttered these words. "I'm coming Steven."

The Great Gem Invasion - Steven Universe Parody #1Where stories live. Discover now