Part 4 : Rumors

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If only he was a 'real' boyfriend.

He wasn't even my real boyfriend... What am I getting my hopes for?

I don't even know what he is thinking about. He doesn't do something on purpose, but every girl out there fall for his every move. A gentleman.

Someone who's soo nice that you might misunderstand that he loves you. I can't even believe his words. If 'I love you' was such an easy word to be said, to begin with, I wouldn't be stuck on crushing him for 2 years, damn it! "Uurghhhhh, shiranai! Shiranai, shiranai, shiranai!!" I said as I bury my face in my pillow. Because I know well... This trial is going to end someday. He's going to leave my side, make a family, and forget I was even here.

*It means I don't know, Mirai's saying it repeatdly

"I don't deserve to be his girlfriend at all..."

The next morning...

"Wake up, young lady!"

I heard my mom beside me. "Urrghn..." I groaned. My mom keeps waking me up, and I did wake up to see it's only 5.30 at the morning. "Mom, it's still early... howaaam." I yawned. "I need to go in early, so I'm giving you the keys."

I didn't know if I even fell asleep or lose consciousness at first. That guy is making me think of him all day long... And I can't even think straight. Still lazy and feeling drowsy, I sit and waited for mama to finish cooking. And I almost fell asleep again. "Don't you dare sleep at the dining table." As mama said that, I did my best to wake up— Stretching my whole body, and seemed to injure myself. "...It hurts." I suppressed the part that hurt with my other hand. "Go outside and exercise then."

"No way to the hosay." I straighten myself and say. "You're going to be fat, Mii." Mom replied back. "I just want to sleep..." I replied again. Is there any homework for today...? I shook my head. I think there is none though... Need to check before going to school.


Wait, what?

I checked thinking there was none, but there was. "Yaru shikanai wa..." After I started working on it, my phone rang. "A mail...? Oh." A mail from my friend. I think I forgot my pencil case when I was tidying your stuff. Could you check it later at school please, Shinoda-san? I answered 'will do' and continued working on my homework.

*Meaning that she had to do her homework

Later on, I finished my homework and prepare to go to school.

"Ohayou..." I said.

"Ohayou~" Everyone in the class replied back.

I immediately checked my desk to see if there's a pencil case. "Oh, here its is." I went to my friend's table and give her the pencil case. "I see this pencil case, it's yours right?" I say. "Thank you~!! I thought I lost it at first! Teehee~"

"Be careful next time~"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were on us... To be exact, me. I tried to play it cool, and keep talking with my friends but, the stares are too distracting. And eventually, my friends are noticing it too. "Shinoda-san... Minna hen ne." I nodded and said yes quietly. "They were fine a few minutes ago." My friends agreed. I'm glad I didn't choose the wrong people to be friends with. Suddenly, a girl came up to us. "Shinoda-san... Can I ask you something?" She said.

*Mirai's friend said everyone in the class is acting weird.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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