Part 3 : Peace and Pranks

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We went home as the orange sunset slowly turned into a purplish night sky.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

For a moment, it seems kind of awkward.

"...I'll be going in then."

Kurogane-kun nodded. He's just going to leave like that? But, well... I don't want to trouble him anymore. I'll just take a bath and sleep... "Mirai." I was about to open the door to go inside, but I stopped. I turned back my body towards the voice's direction.

"Did you forgot something?"

"C'mere." He always forgot something.. "Just tell me already, Kuro—" And as our distance was only blocked by the gate, he kissed me. "..bastard," I said, after the sudden kiss. "Oh? Do you want your naughty mouth to be sealed?" I face down and shooked my head, trying to not show him my maybe red face. "Good night, Princess Mirai."

"J-Just go home already."

And there he goes.

He really should've gone home without doing that... What if my parents saw that, you idiot?! Ah, but they are not home, at the moment... Still! Anyone could've seen it! I don't want to be the target of anything, ugh...

"I'm home.." I went inside after all that. Now, I should take a nice bath, and sleep—RING! There goes the telephone ringing. "Yeah, yeah, just wait!" And I answered the call. "Hello?" But, the person on the other line didn't reply anything. A prank call? I'll just hang up. And as I was about to hang up, the person spoke. "———————"

I hung up the call immediately. I plug the cable and went straight to my room. Good ridden luck, huh? I bet it's just nothing but an empty threat. "I was low-key scared though." I took off my clothes and bathe. "It's always nothing." I tried to convince myself with that.

Just when my parents are not home..

Oh, good riddance.


"You're a dead future."

*The prankster was talking in English, Mirai means future, and Mirai understood that as just an empty threat.

Does it mean.. I'm going to be killed?

"HAH!" I woke abruptly in my bed. What time... Wait, how did I get to my bedroom? I was bathing... Heh? Kurogane-kun?! As I look to my side, there was Kurogane-kun sleeping, while sitting. What the... What happened?! "Why are you here.."

"Well, if you just lock your house door—oh, but I'll sneak in anyway."

"I'm not asking about that!" I'm asking why are you here. I didn't call you or anything last night. " I didn't actually go home. I hid and lookout for a second." Are you my bodyguard?! I'm not a kid, too! "That's when someone stood in front of your house. I'm guessing whoever that guy is, he is only pranking you."

Ah... He was looking out for me... "You should've gone home, you know." Kurogane-kun scratched his head and yawned. "Well, not until I can assure you're really safe. Your parents are out, right?" I nodded. "It's the least I can do." After that, I asked to go home and take a bath. "Are you really okay?" Kurogane-kun asked once more. "I am strong, do not worry," I spoke in a tone of a royal.

"Well then, I shall take my leave, princess."

"Yeah, yeah." I shooed him.

When Kurogane-kun actually went back home, I fall to my knees, relieved. "Now I can take it easy—Wha?! It's already late! I need to get ready!" When I turned to look at the clock above the door, the time says it was a few minutes before 7. "I've got no time for breakfast! Ugh!"

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