Part 1 : Afternoon Shower, Shocking Events

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"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

A shocking confession. In the middle of afternoon shower. It does look like a romantic scene in a drama, right? But, actually.. It's real.

What is he saying, after all this time..?

How the heck did this happen anyway?

Lunch Break, 12.30 AM

These 2 years, I loved him. Yet, never even confessed. I just don't have the courage to do that.

Day by day, the rumors of him are increasing. Like "Maybe he have a girlfriend" or "He's kinda cold" and so on. I did try not to care ... It's hard to try not to. After all, he is one of my best friends.

That's why, I restrained my feelings. Though I don't know how long the 'restrain' will last. It might've explode someday. But he doesn't really think of dating someone right now, so if I confessed to him out of blue, he might be annoyed. "Hey." Speak of the devil, here comes the person I've been speaking of.

Kurogane Kaito, from class 3-B.

"Kurogane-kun?" This lazy kind but genius or should I say "hard-working" person is unbelievably my best friend. Yeah, he help me time to time but, man he's unbearable. What I mean by "unbearable" is, he attracts girls with doing absolutely nothing! Sometimes I get chased around  by the girls for his information! Hate to admit it, but I'm also attracted by him. "Is there something wrong?" He shook his head and then dragged me out of the hallway to a dark corner.

Wha... ?! Why drag me all of a sudden?!

"Hey, Kurogane-kun—"

He shushed me. And here I am being quiet because he put his hand on my mouth. What's his problem dragging me to here?! Or maybe it's what I'm thinking ...

"I'm being chased again."

My guess is right.

I lowered my tone and ask him, "What did you do to offend them now? Or did you rag one of those girls again?"

"Both of them correct. Though, I've done it inadvertently."

You're just too charming for your own good, Kurogane-kun.

"Why are you looking to me with those dead fish look eyes? I told you it's not like that."

Yeah, sure.

"Sigh.. Please don't drag me like this next time. And learn to control yourself! It's because you keep ragging them unconsciously, that's why you run into problems like this!"

How many times do I have to keep telling this guy not to repeat the same things over and over?! I'm tired of it, to be honest. This guy is hopeless. But, he wasn't like this before.. Meaning he changed his personality little by little.

"It's not my fault though!"

"Yeah, sure."

We keep fighting verbally, until the bell rings.

"Now, I don't have the chance to eat anything! It's your fault! I'm not helping you anymore with your problems!"

I shouted as I am frustrated.

"Are you sure? Then, I won't be talking to you anymore too." He said with a devilish smirk.

Wha ... This guy... As always with the counter-attack...

He will notice it.. At this rate..


I just stand still, wanting to say something but I couldn't. No, I can't. Why am I always like this when he threatens like that? Rather at him, I'm frustrated at myself...

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