Part 2 : The First Day

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How is this relationship going to last? And will it last? The answer is unknown.

The next day...

I'm still on the verge of dream and reality. We just started "going out" but, since our relationship is a trial period.. We don't act like it. It's not that I want any of us to change our attitudes to each other instantly... 

Hey! Lovers are also a trial period before going to marriage! So what we're doing is basically a practice test before the real test!

Is he thinking like that? Why is he so complicated.. ? Sometimes I don't understand him. Even now, I bet he's still ragging other girls "unconsciously". I only feel like we're lovers in name though..

No, no, no. I don't want attention drawn to me either.

I shake my head to sway any other alternatives that may disturb my focus on tidying this messy office of my matematics teacher.

"Thanks for helping, Shinoda. If only I knew where I put your notebook.."

"Not at all, sensei. I'm glad to help... But, please remember where you put the important things next time."

"A teacher being told by his student is really hard on me .."

"You're the only mathematics teacher that's messy in this world, sensei."

This teacher is messy, not only appearance but also his office. Man, please tell me he isn't like this from his childhood.
*He is

Although helping this teacher is only to keep my mind of him, yet I couldn't, is what makes me frustrated! This "trial" lover thing isn't really making sense! On top of that, he didn't tell my why he didn't make it real instead... "Shinoda?" God, I really want to read his head right now! "Shinoda??" I'm an idiot just following him because I also l...lo...lov...


My face is kinda hot .. I think my head just exploded out of embarrassment.

"Shinoda Mirai-san!"

"Y-Y-Yech, s-sensei?!"

My voice turned high suddenly. Sensei looks at me questioningly. "What's wrong? Your face is beet red, Shinoda.."

"M-Must've been your imagination, sensei! I-I'm fine as it goes~"

Why did I say that like I'm a ship?! Sensei must've think I'm drunk or having a fever... I'm so pathetic.

"Here's your notebook. I'll be handling the rest of the cleaning, so you can go back now."

"T-Thanks sensei! Hitsureshimasu~!"

I slide the door open and closed it. What am I doing, in front of a sensei?! Argh! This is all his fault! If only I didn't fall for him then I wouldn't—

Suddenly, I'm dragged into a dark corner once again.

"Wouldn't what? Heh, Mirai?"


"M-My name..."

"I always want to call you with this ... Oh, but you don't have to rush on changing nicknames for me."

Did he read my mind?! The timing is just too perfect! It's too perfect even, it made me suspicious... Why did he know I was in the mathematics teacher's office..?

This cliche kind of plot is kinda weird after all the usuals when we're just best friends...

He must've coincidentally read my expression... Or did I say it out loud?
*She did say it out loud without realizing

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