Let Me Tell You a Secret

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"Urgh, I hate this. Why does he have to make such a big deal out of it!?"

A tall brunette stood regally, his back straight, his long, long brown hair tied up with a gold ribbon, his black fitted suit tailored perfectly to fit his toned, muscular body.

He would look perfect if not for the fingers tugging at the tight collar, buttoned at his neck and the grimace on his face.

"Your Highness, you are of age now. The King just wants to make sure you have a suitable bride for when the time comes."

A servant spoke to the brunette as they stood outside a large set of ornate wooden doors, the muffled sound of a lively banquet seeping through the cracks.

A bride…

The brunette pulled another face at this statement, only to earn yet another scolding from the servant who seemed to be his head attendant.

"And please, Your Highness, you are a Prince! Stop complaining and act like one."


He scoffed internally.

A Prince!

If only everyone knew….

The brunette’s memories of the day he, a young poor beggar child, was taken off the streets by Palace guards and suddenly told he was to take the place of the King's dead son.

Not that this was common knowledge.

"We're ready now."

The attendant whispered to someone through the crack in the door before directing a glare at the Prince to get his act together.

The Prince just rolled his eyes as he heard the guard in the banquet hall knock his staff against the floor to gain the guests attention.

His arms fell to his sides and a serene, practiced smile grew on his face, taking a step closer to the doors as they swung open, a wave of bright lights illuminating his godly presence.

"Now announcing, Your Royal Highness, Crown Prince Jyu Viole Grace!"

The banquet hall fell silent as the Prince took the few steps to the top of the sweeping staircase. All of the guests either bowed deeply or dipped into a low curtsey as his eyes glanced around the room.

After a few moments, the Prince started to descend the golden steps and the guests all rose to continue their joyous mingling.

Approaching the bottom of the golden gilded stairs, Viole's attendant had already arrived before him and brought out a line of finely dressed females.

Of course these were all the females his 'father' had approved.

Holding back the urge to sigh and roll his eyes, Viole smiled pleasantly at the girls as his attendant stepped away.

"Good evening, it is an honour to have you in attendance today."

Viole bowed gracefully in greeting as the girls all shuffled and giggled in front of him.

His golden gaze swept across the line of girls, each looking just as annoying as the last, blushing and giggling, fluttering their eyelashes at him.

That was until he came to the last female.

She was different to the others.

Her dress certainly belonged to royalty, a light blue shimmery colour, reminding one of ice. Her petite frame hugged by the flowing dress and her collarbones and shoulders exposed, her skin a pretty porcelain as the glittery tulle sleeves rolled down her arms. Her silver blue hair was tied up in a bun on top of her head with braids woven on either side. The girl had her arm raised, delicately holding a fan, hiding her features other than the most beautiful deep blue eyes Viole had ever seen. The Prince's stare held those curious cobalt eyes until the emotion reflected in them transformed from a deep curiosity to an almost flirty playfulness.

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