Chapter Eight

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Two years passed in the blink of an eye.
Two short but sweet years the young bluenette had lived with his new family.
Two fun years of playing with his golden eyed friend every day. 
Now, they were both a little older, the bluenette's teenage years would soon be creeping up on him and his youthful innocence and ignorance would quickly be lost.
So they made the most of the time whilst they still could.
Another day of frivolous playing in the forest surrounding their home, the bluenette mischievous and cunning as always as he teased his younger friend.
"Let's play hide and seek!"
The brunette groaned at this exclamation from his older friend.
"But you always win!"
"And you won't get any better unless you practice!"
Grinning, the bluenette argued, although he knew that the argument was pointless for as soon as the bluenette made a suggestion his younger friend will absolutely obey, even if he complains a little at first.
A triumphant smile and the bluenette piped up before the brunette had any opportunity to say anything else.
"You'll be it and I'll hide!"
"But I'm always it!"
Another fruitless argument being born. Of course it very quickly ended and the young brunette grumbled to himself as he wandered over to a tree and hid his eyes behind his hands.
"1… 2… 3…"
Hearing the young brunette starting his count, the bluenette shot off like a light, being as quiet as he could as he wound through the trees and came up with another master plan to hide from his younger friend.
"98… 99… 100… Ready or not, here I come!"
The brunette shouted through the forest of trees, letting his hands drop to his sides as his eyes scanned the area.
He sighed.
He knew it was already useless. In two years, the brunette had never won a game of hide and seek. However, a small smile grew on his face as, even though he had no hope of winning, it was always fun to chase after the bluenette.
Quietly, the younger boy took a few steps forward, eyes sweeping the area for any sign, but of course there was none.
Pursing his lips he walked through the trees on high alert as he searched. Looking up into the canopy of leaves and branches, he immediately flinched when he thought he saw a flash of blue, the exact shade he loved and would recognise anywhere. 
"There you are!"
Had he actually won for the first time?
His heart pumping in his chest, the young brunette swiftly climbed up the tree, thanks to two years of practice. He needed to catch the bluenette if he wanted to win, seeing just a flash of colour wasn't enough.
But, by the time he had made his way up the tree, the rustling of leaves was now further away. The brunette pouted, realising his friend must have jumped to another tree branch. Even still, his heartbeat wouldn't calm, especially when he heard a small, tinkling giggle not too far from him.
A bright smile lit up his face and his golden eyes gleamed with excitement. He jumped from branch to branch, tree to tree in the direction of the bluenette's laughter.
Another glimpse of blue hair clashing with green leaves and the brunette struggled through the branches.
Another disappearance as soon as the younger boy reached the end of the line.
Another furious fluttering of his heart when he heard the older boy's mischievous giggles.
Exasperating. Infuriating. Exhilarating.
Another game of cat and mouse that left the brunette's little mind blown whenever he would spot a wisp of silver blue hair, a flash of deep blue electric eyes, his breath caught in his throat as it usually would at the sight of his older friend being playful.
Off the brunette would jump again, to another branch, another tree, in the dense forest of leaves.
Until, finally, that fleeting blue seemed to be closer than before.
Just a little further than arms length away.
If he jumped…
But that would be too dangerous.
The older bluenette looked over his shoulder, eyes wide open in a moment of surprise at seeing the brunette so close. However, he had the same thought as the younger boy, his eyes squinted in a goading smile when he realised the gap between them was too far for him to be caught.
The brunette's gaze was captivated by his older friend. A sly, taunting smile teasing at the bluenette’s lips as he looked over his shoulder, joy and mischief lighting up his deep blue eyes. Long blue hair, in a high ponytail, streaming down his back.
Golden, unnerving eyes stared at the small figure just a short distance away, his heart pounding in his chest as if it wanted to jump right out and grab onto the older bluenette.
And when the older boy was about to look away, preparing to jump to another tree, the younger brunette's heart almost stopped.
Don't go!
A nightmare that had plagued him for two years.
The bluenette had so easily appeared in his life, he could just as easily disappear. The young brunette boy couldn't stand the idea.
Acting on instinct, he leapt from the branch he was standing on. The bluenette’s eyes were as round as saucers in his shock, the smile disappearing from his face as he spun around on the branch, arms held open ready to catch his younger friend.
The brunette flung his arms tightly around his older friend's middle, their small bodies crashing together and the momentum throwing them both from the tree and onto the hard, dirt below.
A loud thud and a moment or two passed before the bluenette opened his eyes, his body shaking from the shock. He was surprised that his body didn't ache and hurt that much though he quickly discovered why when his eyes met fierce gold underneath him.
It seemed, during the fall, the brunette had somehow twisted them in the air and cushioned his friends landing.
"Hey! Are you okay!?"
A slight panic crept over the bluenette and he was thankful that they had been playing low in the tree's, so the fall wasn't too high.
Golden eyes blinked up at him and a wide smile grew on the brunette's face, a toothy grin as he nodded and his arms that were still lightly latched around the bluenette's middle squeezed.
"I caught you!"
The bluenette’s mind blanked for a moment, processing the words, concluding that his friend must be okay and he wanted to continue the game. He scowled slightly, frustrated by the younger boys reckless behaviour and reluctant to admit defeat, he tried to roll off the brunette.
"Who said you caught me?"
However, his movements were restricted when the brunette's arms squeezed tighter, surprisingly strong for a child, and pinned the older boy to him, their small bodies laying flush together.
"I win."
Another wide grin from the brunette and the older boy felt his cheeks heat up, staring at the innocent face below. Speechless. He couldn't think of a word to say and he was extremely self conscious of how close his friend was holding him, wary of how much that smile made his heart race. Looking away, he scrunched his nose a few times before quietly giving in.
"Fine. But don't do anything so dangerous ever again."
He scolded the younger boy who finally, slightly reluctantly, loosened his grip after another quick squeeze and confirmation of his victory. The bluenette stood up and dusted off his dirty clothes before holding out a hand to help up the brunette.
The younger boy took his friend's hand but his features twisted in pain and he could only make it to a seated position.
The bluenette squatted next to the brunette, concern furrowing his brow and he inspected his friend. There seemed to be a lot of scratches and scuffs on his bare arms and legs but nothing looked to be out of place, still…
"I'll go get mother. Wait here."
A panicked hand reached out and stopped the older boy from standing. The brunette winced slightly but tried to stand and explain.
"I'm fine. I just ache a little. Don't leave me."
He assured the older boy there was nothing serious, just some aching, and the bluenette pursed his lips, understanding that the younger boy wouldn't let him leave. Still squatting on the floor, he made a decision and turned his back on the brunette.
"Climb on."
The brunette stared at the other boy, his gaze wavering and unsure. The bluenette huffed a sigh.
"Just climb on, I'll carry you home. I'm stronger than I look!"
Still unsure but with no other option,  the brunette carefully climbed on his friend's back, wincing slightly at the ache rolling through his body.
A small pair of arms wound around the bluenette's neck and he grabbed the younger boy's legs, bracing himself to stand.
"Okay, let's go home."
The older boy slowly trudged through the forest, mumbling complaints under his breath about how stupid his friend had been and how mother would be scolding them both later. The brunette listened to his quiet grumbles, enjoying his soothing tone, clinging to his neck and his warmth, burying his face into the crook of the bluenette's neck and closing his eyes.
The pain soon melted from his body becoming a distant memory.
By the time the bluenette had managed to carry his heavier than expected friend home, it was early evening with the sun starting to set.
They emerged from the forest and Arlene could be seen pacing in front of the house. She ran over to them and the bluenette explained that the brunette had fallen from a tree.
Arlene tried to pry her younger son off the bluenette but the brunette only held on tighter. Both Arlene and the bluenette sighed at this typical behaviour.
"Don't worry, I can carry him upstairs."
"Alright sweetheart, be careful. I'm going to wait outside a little bit longer, papa hasn't come home yet."
A small frown creased the bluenette’s forehead, it was unusual for V to be out so late. Nevertheless, he was a strong and careful man, he must have been delayed by something important. The bluenette erased the worry from his mind and carried the brunette to his bedroom.
Arlene stayed outside, pacing the dusty front yard, wringing her hands and eyes focused on the section of tree's her husband would usually emerge from.
The sun gradually set, the sky changing from a yellow burn to purple mist and Arlene couldn't wait outside any longer.
Fraught with worry, she returned to the house to care for her two boys and pray that her husband would be home soon.
However, V did not return home that night.

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