Chapter Four

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"Good morning sweetheart, how did you sleep?"
A smile as bright as sunshine greeted the bluenette when he dragged his feet into the cosy kitchen area. His appearance caused another reaction in the form of a small brunette boy choking on his food, his face scrunched up and bright red, hand against his chest and his mother rubbing his back in soothing circles.
"Oh dear, seems someone got a little excited. Take a seat, sweetheart. I'm glad the clothes fit you."
Arlene busied about the kitchen, helping her young son drink a glass of water to stop his coughing fit, placing a large plate of food on the square table in front of an empty seat, generally tidying up and making offhand remarks.
The bluenette took the empty seat opposite the brunette and stared at the food, he felt a pair of eyes on him and, glancing up, his own cobalt stare met with large round gold, however the golden eyes quickly looked down, staring at his own plate of food.
" Ahem. "
A bang of a mug hitting the thick oak table and the clearing of a throat caught the bluenette's attention and he warily looked at the culprit.
The man from yesterday. 
His heavy black fringe hiding his eyes, angular jaw set sharp, an old looking book held in one hand and the other firmly gripping the mug he had just placed on the table.
"Come on now, dear. You're scaring the poor boy."
Arlene scolded the man, placing a reassuring hand on the bluenette’s shoulder. The man seemed to look at the boy but the bluenette really couldn't tell when the man's eyes were completely covered.
The older man grunted in response and Arlene sighed.
"This is V, my husband."
She introduced the older man and he tipped his head slightly in greeting, his manner a far cry from the stern, demanding, aggressive persona he had used with the merchant. The bluenette narrowed his eyes at the man.
"Eat up, sweetheart. I'm sure you must be hungry."
Another reassuring pat on the bluenette's shoulder and he was encouraged to at least pick at his food. It felt rather daunting when he had the intimidating aura of V on one side and the piercing golden stare of the younger boy opposite him.
The bluenette had just started to get more comfortable with the situation when a sudden scraping of a chair startled him. His head darted up and the older man was towering over the table, looming with a dark pressure. Instinctively retreating into himself, the bluenette watched carefully.
"Time to go already, dear? Here's some lunch, have a good day."
Handing a small packaged box to V, Arlene was on her tiptoes to plant a soft kiss on his cheek before turning to her son.
"Say goodbye to papa."
The brunette boy glanced between his mother, the bluenette and his father, repeating this a few times before responding in a quiet voice.
"Bye papa."
Arlene chuckled and V grunted, he looked to the bluenette and nodded his head before turning on his heels and leaving the kitchen.
"Haha, you can tell my son takes after his father. They're both shy and embarrassed in front of our new addition."
She laughed again and the brunette boy looked like he wanted to argue, however one side glance at the bluenette and his face reddened, his eyes staring at the table in front of him with his cheeks puffed out.
"Are you done, sweetheart?"
Arlene had barely finished asking when she removed the bluenette's plate and pottered around the kitchen.
"If you're both done with your breakfast, why don't you go play outside? Get to know each other."
Dismissing the two children who both seemed rather reluctant, Arlene physically shooed them out of the house and into the cool morning sun.
The two boys were left standing next to each other when the heavy thud of the door closing sounded behind them. The pair stood in awkward silence.
The bluenette looked at the young brunette next to him. He seemed younger than himself, maybe by a couple of years, he had his head tilted forward to hide his eyes, his fingers fiddled with the hem of his shirt and his feet shuffled in the dusty dirt.
He supposed the brunette was kind of cute.
Watching the shy, uncomfortable boy for a few more moments the bluenette sighed, concluding that he would need to initiate any sort of conversation. He was reluctant, however he figured that he could at least try if he was going to stay with them - for now anyway.
"What's your name?"
His question abrupt and his tone sharper than he meant, the bluenette quirked his mouth when he saw the younger boy wince. Golden eyes darted up at him before looking to the floor, then glancing back up, before looking away yet again.
Another sigh from the prideful bluenette who wondered if this child could even form a coherent sentence - he certainly should have been able to hold a conversation at his age. He offered his name and hand first, hoping to coerce the brunette. 
The younger boy's eyes opened wide and he stared at the hand extended to him, as if he had no idea what he was supposed to do. So the bluenette reached forward, grabbing the brunette's hand and forcing him into a handshake. The older boy never stopped to consider that children wouldn't offer something as mature as a handshake, it was just natural for him.
"So what's your name?"
He asked once again and, thankfully, this time the brunette responded to him, a quiet mumble but still, the bluenette grinned, happy to have finally gotten something out of the younger boy.
Releasing the brunette's hand, the older boy wiped his on his shorts before glancing around, checking out their surroundings. The brunette stood stock still, staring at the hand that still felt warm from the older boy's touch.
The bluenette surveyed the area, taking a few steps forward and raising a hand to shield his eyes from the shining morning sun.
It was just tree's everywhere.
Pouting slightly, the bluenette was at a loss once more before questioning the younger boy again.
"So, what do you do for fun around here?"

The younger boy gave him a blank stare. Still not ready to speak or respond in any way to the bluenette's efforts. The older boy was beginning to get rather frustrated at this point, until the brunette suddenly tottered a few feet away, picking something up and squatting on the floor.
Shortly following after him, the bluenette crouched by his side and watched as the younger boy gripped a stick in his small hands.
The bluenette asked, receiving a nod in return as the brunette made shapes in the dusty dirt. The older boy swayed on his heels, observing the brunette, his elbow balanced precariously on his thigh and chin in his palm, he tilted his head and lazily watched. 
After a few moments the brunette glanced at him before turning his head and looking around the area. His actions intrigued the bluenette who was quickly becoming used to the younger boy's silence. The brunette obviously wasn't happy about something as he frowned at the stick in his hand. 
Suddenly his face lit up and his golden eyes glinted as the sun caught them. He took the stick in both hands before snapping it in half and offering the longer piece to the bluenette.
Needless to say, the bluenette was surprised by the younger boy's actions, finally understanding that the brunette had been looking for a way for them to play together.
There was a moment of silence as the brunette held out the stick, he looked pleased with himself though his lips were still in a slight frown. But when the bluenette didn't respond, frozen in his surprise, the brunette's brows twitched and his steady gaze faltered. He had already dropped his stare and was about to drop his outstretched hand when he felt someone take the stick he was offering.
A mumbled thanks from the bluenette and the younger boy's face lifted to meet his. The older boy's sharp, deep blue met beautiful, round gold and a pink hue decorated his cheeks when the brunette gave him a big toothy grin, all sparkles and sunshine.
So yes, the bluenette considered, maybe this young brunette is kind of sweet.
The ice now cracked and steadily melting, the pair sat in a comfortable silence, doodling on the dirty floor. It was a little while later when the bluenette grew bored, dropping his stick on the floor and scuffing over his doodles with his shoe.
Rising from his squatted position, he stretched out before offering a hand to the brunette still crouched on the floor but staring up at him, a mix of emotion flittering in his eyes.
However, the bluenette grinned at him in reassurance, moving his outstretched hand slightly to encourage the brunette as he asked.
"So, what should we do next?"

Arlene strolled through the front door, wincing slightly against the midday sun, her flowing blouse and long skirt billowing in the light breeze. She raised a hand to her head to block out the sun as she looked around, calling out.
"Boys, lunch is ready!"
Yet there was no response. 
She squinted some more and took another step forward, calling once again, trying to ignore the rising panic welling inside her.
To her relief, she heard a giggle nearby, followed by shushing noises. She wrinkled her brow, a small smile teasing at her lips as she felt relief that they seemed to be safe, comfort that they appeared to be getting along, and finally, curious as to what the two were up to.
Arlene walked a few more steps in the direction she thought the voices were coming from. Glancing around again, she called out.
"Boy's, aren't you hungry?"
Another giggle followed by a hushed voice.
"Sshhh, not yet, not yet!"
A twitch of Arlene's smile as it grew wider, taking a few more steps until she came to the base of a tree. She looked up and grinned.
"Haha, mama!"
Her son sitting atop and gripping onto a low branch, grinning and giggling down at her. Turning her head slightly she spotted a pouting bluenette a little further up the tree, obviously displeased that her son had given away their hiding spot so easily. She laughed at the pair, overwhelmed with joy as she had never seen her son smile and enjoy himself so much before. Her arms were outstretched and she called out again.
"Come on down, lunch is ready."
Arlene waited as her son nervously and tentatively shifted down the tree, leaping into her arms when he was near the bottom and clinging to her neck. At the same time, she watched the bluenette take skilled and practiced movements, swinging from the branches until finally hopping down onto the floor.
"Did your friend teach you to climb trees?"
The brunette nodded his head and smiled, squeezing her neck.
"Did you enjoy yourself?"
Another, more vigorous nod of his head, a serious expression on his face.
The bluenette by now had started to stroll back to the house on his own, something that the young brunette's gaze hadn't missed.
He squirmed in his mother's arms until she released him and he trotted after the older boy, only slowing down when he was a few feet behind, following in his shadow, imitating his straight posture.
Arlene paused for a moment to take it all in, holding back the tears of joy that threatened to spill.
The two boys reached the house and turned back to face her before going inside.
The young brunette shouted for her and she steadied her breath, wiping her eyes and she smiled, calling back to her child.

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