Chapter Nineteen

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Their stories told, a cold chill swept over their little cage. Their hands clasped tightly together.
The bluenette tore his deep blue gaze away from the brunette sitting next to him, a horrid feeling of shame, sadness and despair washing over him.
Guilt for what he had done. 
Shame for even having the nerve to face the brunette again, even though he had spent years searching for him.
A sad but gentle smile tugged at the brunette's lips, he raised a hand to the bluenette's cheek, twisting his face back so their eyes could meet once more.
It was a bittersweet reunion and he didn't want to see the bluenette cry.
His thumb swiped under the bluenette's lower lid, catching the tear that had fallen.
And the bluenette stared into those bright golden eyes, shining like the sun. Their gazes conveying so many emotions, tears threatened to overwhelm them both.
The bluenette's voice cracked. He wanted to apologise. 
He hadn't yet told the brunette about his part in the families discovery, about the information he had dug up on their parents and King Jahad's past.
Their mothers death was all his fault and the brunette didn't even know.
"I… Bam, I… our mother… it was my..."
The brunette's breath hitched.
When was the last time anyone had called him that...
"Shhh, it's okay… it wasn't your fault ."
Hands linked tightly together, the younger boy whispered reassuring words to the bluenette.
The worst words he could say.
Tears silently slipped down the bluenette's cheeks leaving glistening streaks on the boy's skin.
Bam caressed the bluenette's face, his smile twisting a little more and his own tears escaping when he used his lips to wipe the tears his thumb couldn't reach.
He whispered words of comfort.
"It wasn't your fault, Aguero."
The bluenettes heart swelled and he felt disgusted with himself. At the pure joy and happiness overwhelming his entire being hearing that name from the brunette's mouth, feeling the light presses of the younger boy's lips against his skin.
"Aguero, it wasn't your fault."
His solid, gold gaze staring right into the bluenette’s deep blue eyes, Bam was telling the boy he already knew what he was trying to say.
See, in his ten year search for the bluenette, Prince Viole had done his own research and, whilst he didn't know the details, he had become aware that both King Jahad and King Edahn had certainly played a part in his parents death. To what extent, he didn't know, and it was probably best left that way.
As Bam stared into those deep blue eyes he had been yearning for, an overwhelming relief and love tingled every inch of his being. 
"Do you know how long I've been looking for you?"
Muttering his confession, Bam peppered Aguero's skin with soft, light kisses.
"Ha! You have no idea…"
Closing his eyes, Aguero raised his hand to clasp the hand cradling his cheek, nuzzling into Bam's touch.
"I missed you… so much, Aguero…"
The needy, child-like whine from the brunette reminded the bluenette of the past. His cheeks turned a subtle shade of pink, the gentle caresses and warm kisses from Bam lighting the fire in his heart and burning his entire body.
Aguero had no words to describe just how much he had missed and longed for his friend. Though he was also taken aback by the sudden change in the younger boy's personality, his confidence, his charm...
"I'm not letting you go ever again."
Bam's possessive words, his low tone almost a growl, sent an electric wave through Aguero's body, a visible tremble when the brunette's lips kissed his neck.
They craved each other's touch.
After ten years apart, they wanted everything and nothing from each other.
Just to hold each other and stay like this.
Alas, Bam pulled away, looking directly into Aguero's eyes, glancing over his parted red lips and his chest visibly heaving with his heated gasps.
"I'm never letting you go."
With one hand still gripping tightly onto Aguero's, Bam's other hand snaked its way to the bluenette's nape, roughly pulling the other boy close to him.
"You've really changed…"
Surprised by the younger boy's confidence, comparing it to that of the shy child he knew all those years ago, the bluenette mumbled, unable to hold back his opinion. Bam pulled away from him to look into his eyes again, his hand still on the older boy's nape. A slight curve of the brunette's lips as he studied Aguero's face.
"And you haven't changed at all."
A slight pause and a quirk of his smile before he continued. 
"Although your beauty has far surpassed my expectations. Always so gorgeous..."
He watched as the blush grew on Aguero's skin and the older boy averted his gaze. Bam grinned at the reaction.
Yes, he hadn't changed at all.
A pleasant yet expectant silence surrounded the pair, lost in their own little world, lost in their unexpected reunion. 
Bam stroked the bluenettes' nape and Aguero shuddered from the touch, it just felt so right, and every reaction from the older boy to his touch made a spark light in the brunette’s stomach.
Their intimate moment was only broken by Aguero's timid voice. A quiet and subdued tone, a nervous gaze tilted up towards Bam's just inches away.
"So where does that leave us?"
The question surprised Bam, shouldn't it have been obvious?
However, Aguero was well aware that their reunion had been full of emotion, that every touch and gaze between them had been filled with passion, but was that because of the sudden reunion? Had they gotten carried away? Did Bam really feel the same way as him or were his reactions only an over exaggerated platonic, familial love?
Bam blinked a few times, staring into those cobalt eyes he had longed to see all these years. A surge of emotion tickled his skin creating goosebumps and his gaze darted around the area, the large rose bushes and hedges surrounding them, Bam tried to think of the best way to convey his emotion.
His eyes lit up as he spotted something just behind Aguero's head. Leaning in, he pressed his body against the bluenette and smirked when he felt the older boy tremble and gasp against him.
Releasing the older boy's hand, he reached behind him and the bluenette heard a curious snap.
Patiently waiting, Bam pulled away from him, removing his hand from the bluenette's nape and fondly smiling at two pretty little flower heads now sitting in his hands. His gaze was drawn back to Aguero and there was an element of mischief to his features.
Leaning forward once more, this time Bam tucked a delicate yellow rose into Aguero's hair and, lifting the bluenettes hand, placed a pretty blue rose in his palm.
"So, I know I'm not technically a real flower Prince but… will you be my princess?"
A cheeky, charming grin from the brunette, from Bam.
The bluenette's gaze opened wide for a brief moment before he chuckled, remembering all those years ago when Bam had proudly declared himself Aguero's flower princess to their mother.
How the tables had turned.
A small smile curved his lips and, taking the remaining flower from the brunette's palm, and a pin from his hair, he tucked the blue rose onto the lapel of Bam's suit.
Patting the brunette's chest with affection, deep blue gazed into smouldering gold. 
A lingering tension growing between them, their hands seeking each other's skin once more, tentatively caressing and stroking each other's faces and necks.
The distance closed between them, their lids slowly dropping and Aguero finally whispered against the brunettes lips.
Their lips pressed together, soft, cold, dry from the cool night air. A sweet, hesitant kiss that had taken far too long. And when they finally parted, their fond gazes returning to each other, Aguero spoke in a low voice, thinking of Bam's statement, how he wasn't a real Prince. 
How wrong could he be.
A secretive glint in his blue eyes, Aguero pressed another gentle kiss against Bam's lips.
"Let me tell you a secret…"

Authors Note

So there we have it, another fic done ❤
I hope you enjoyed it 😊

Those of you that follow me on Twitter may already know this but I do plan on writing a one shot for the V/Arlene/Jahad back story, please look forward to it!

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Anyway, more fics will be coming soon ❤

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