Chapter Eleven

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The journey lasted 3 days.
Staring out of the window of the elegant horse drawn carriage, the bluenette absentmindedly looked as the scenery rolled by. Not that he was actually taking in the sights of his travels, he was far too preoccupied thinking about the family he left behind.
Was there any way to make it back to them?
He turned all the possibilities over in his mind but was drawing blanks.
There was an attendant in the carriage with him as well as two driving the carriage. Not to mention the three guards his father, the king, had sent to safely escort him back. If he didn't know any better, he would have thought his father was trying to protect him, however, in all likelihood, he was probably just trying to deter any attempts at escape.
And so the bluenette had to give up on any thoughts of escape, though this certainly didn't help his worry and fear for the two he had left behind.
By the time the young bluenette reached his father's Palace, the shadows beneath his eyes were dark and his clothes dishevelled. He didn't particularly care for his appearance at this point, lost in his stress.
The boy didn't need to do anything though, the attendants busied themselves pulling him from the carriage, dragging him to a room and preparing him to meet the king.
He stood in front of a large, ornate mirror as he waited and stared at the regal clothing, the gaudy golden embroidery, the expensive, tacky jewelry. It had been so long since he had worn anything like this. Up until a few years ago he would think nothing of this attire, just the usual clothing for any day he visited the Palace, only slightly more elegant than the clothing he would wear at his original home on a daily basis.
After spending so long in comfortable homemade clothing, made just for him with love and care, it didn't feel right to be wearing such needlessly luxurious wear.
Nevertheless, the bluenette was still aware of his position and the potential repercussions if he disobeyed or made a fuss. For now, it would be better to go along with the attendants and speak to his father.
Fortunately the young boy didn't need to wait long for the king to summon him.
He was escorted through the castle to the throne room. He rolled his eyes as he was received in a similar manner in a different castle just a few days prior. He wanted nothing more than for this whole affair to be over with so he could figure out how to get back to his real family.
Correcting his posture, the bluenette's presence was announced to the room. There were guards lining the walls and servants standing to attention, ready to pounce whenever the King demanded.
With his chin held high, the young boy marched into the throne room, finally lowering himself to one knee and bowing his head in front of his father, politely greeting him.
"You may rise."
The bluenette returned to his feet, his blank blue stare focused on the smirking man who called himself his father, casually strewn across the throne.
The king appraised the young boy standing before him, a wide beam spreading across his handsome face.
Jumping to his feet, the king smiled as he walked towards his son.
"My dear… son! I'm so glad you have returned. I was worried sick when I heard you had gone missing, my dear… boy."
The bluenette's lips pursed slightly at the fact his father barely even hid the fact he was silently asking the attendants for his name,  yet none of them could tell him.
"When your mother reported you were kidnapped, I wasted no time, effort or expense in finding you. I was so upset."
Forcing his smile, the young boy pretended that he bought his fathers lies. He had to hold back his snort when he heard he had been kidnapped. He had to wonder if that lie was an excuse his mother came up with to save her own skin or if the Palace had decided it was a convenient excuse.
Of course the bluenette only thought like this now, ever since experiencing normal family life. If he had never been away from his Royal home then his father's behaviour would have been deemed entirely acceptable and normal.
However, the boy was well aware that his father's behaviour was nothing new and he should accept it. He is the king. It's not like he would ever change and suddenly start caring for one of the many sons he had with one of his many concubines.
"My dear boy, I'm so glad you're back."
The King walked towards his son, placing his hands firmly on the boy's shoulders.
"I'm so pleased that you're back and not hurt in any way. In fact, it seems like you were well cared for."
The boy blushed slightly at this compliment of his adoptive family. The King's electric gaze swept over his son, analysing his features and stature. Suddenly, another gleam of white teeth as he smiled once more at the Prince.
"Yes, yes. You are perfect. Perfect, perfect."
Seeing his father keenly appraising him, the bluenette's blush calmed and his eyes narrowed slightly as he realised the king was up to something.
He may not know hid father well but the young boy was shrewd and smart enough to understand the language of adults.
"My son. I have a proposition for you."
The king grinned, his eyes alight as he spoke. The boy swallowed as he listened to his father's proposition.
Long story short, the king wanted his son, the Prince, to act as a princess from that day forward.
The bluenette understood his father's intention. It was the same reason his mother had tried to get rid of him in the first place.
If a Prince is not in line to inherit the throne or is not due to inherit another high position in the court, he is worthless.
What high ranking family wants to marry their daughter off to a man with nothing?
Princesses, however, are a different story. How sought after they are. How many Lords are desperate for their son to marry a princess, therefore enhancing their families position, asserting their station, showing their dominance. A pure trophy wife of high standing.
The boy now realised.
He was brought back to become a princess.
And although the king had offered it as a proposition, the boy knew he wouldn't be able to refuse.
It's not even as though the boy could argue that his gender was already public - with the sheer amount of children his father had, swapping and hiding genders would be an easy matter.
No, the only issue would be full cooperation from his son.
The king continued speaking after his explanation. 
"I know it's a lot to ask, and we would need a plan in place for after you have married, so they can't back out once they know your gender, but we have some years yet to think that through."
The boy's heart ached. 
His father had decided all of this for him. His freedom now gone. He can no longer choose whom he wants to be with. The bluenette was now just another pawn in his father's hand.
He thought of the family he had left behind, the young brunette that always smiled for him, and his insides twisted.
Grasping what little courage he could muster, whilst the boy knew there would be no way out of this for himself, there was something he could try to do for the family, try to do for the brunette. He clenched his fists and stared up at the king, his brow furrowed with determination.
"Then, your Highness, may I ask for something in return?"
The king had just turned away from his son, but paused when he heard the meek voice making his request. Facing his son once more, he tilted his head and smirked at the child. It was rare for any of his children to speak to him, let alone make demands of him. But that didn't mean he was against it. It actually intrigued him when he found a stubborn, headstrong child, one that reminded him of himself.
"And what would that be?"
Curious, he questioned his child whilst walking back to his throne and taking a seat, a servant immediately approaching him with a silver platter. The king happily took the glass of wine offered to him.
The bluenette waited for his father to be seated, using the time to steel his nerves.
"Your Highness, whilst I was away, I was cared for by a family. I would like to thank them."
Carefully wording his request, the bluenette awaited his father's judgement. A brief pause as the king sipped from his glass, watching the nervous boy over the rim of the glass. The King's cold gaze felt heavy on the boy's shoulders.
"Hmmm? Is that all? Of course I can arrange for that. What is that I should send them… arrange for coins, jewellery and the like to be sent to the boy's carers."
The king sounded rather uninterested after he finally heard his sons request.
How boring.
The young bluenette however, was delighted with the King's positive response. He stepped forward slightly, forgetting his place as he interrupted his father's commands.
"Thank you! But there is something else I would like to ask for your aid with instead."
The king looked surprised and leant forward in his throne, intrigued.
He indicated for his son to speak.
"Before I was brought here, my fa- V, the master of the house, went missing. I would like some help to find his whereabouts."
The boy hesitated slightly and the king nodded his head slowly.
"So you just want some help finding this man?"
"Yes, my fa- V has left behind my mo- his wife, Arlene, and their son. The two will struggle to survive on their own as they live deep in the forest on the edge of the city."
The King's eyes widened for a moment before he sat up straight in his throne.
"So, this man, V, has disappeared. He has left behind his wife, Arlene, and a young boy?"
Looking deeply concerned, the king clarified the information. The young bluenette became excitable as he noticed his father's interest in the matter.
"Yes, yes that is correct!"
"Describe them to me."
The young boy assumed his father wanted the information to help with the search party. He keenly described the three in detail, his excited blue gaze mirroring that of the king.
"Please, help them."
After finishing his thorough description, and pointing out the approximate location of the families small home on a map, the boy begged the king. The king chuckled.
"I assume that you agree to my proposition?"
The boy nodded enthusiastically, his usual shrewd and cunning mind not considering his father's words.
"Well, I shall certainly be looking for them."
He dismissed the Prince with a smile and a wave of his hand. After the door had closed, one of the guards was called over to the king. He seemed to be a man well trusted by the king as he spoke first, kneeling before him.
"Your Highness, the family the boy spoke of…"
The king was inspecting his nails, swilling his wine around the clear glass as he replied.
"Yes. You are correct."
The guard glanced up at the king.
"Then the man the boy referred to, V… then he is…"
"Dead. Yes."
The guards expression didn't change at all as the king smiled at him.
"What are your next steps, my king?"
The guard respectfully knelt in front of his master, awaiting orders.
"Arlene and the child. Find them. And then take them to him. "
A brief pause from the guard before he bowed his head again, quickly being dismissed and vanishing to make preparations.
The king scoffed. 
He felt no guilt or remorse. 
He hadn't promised his child that he would help the family.
He had only informed his son he would be looking for them.
He didn't need to explain his reasons.
The king relaxed back into his seat, extending his arm after downing his wine and waiting for more to be served.
Smiling to himself, he started to consider what reward he should request from his dear friend in the neighbouring kingdom when he presented him his gifts.
Another smirk quirked at his lips thinking about the invaluable information he had gained. Another degrading chuckle at his son's expense.
As if the boy had been living with them. 

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