Chapter 16

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Turns out, Kreacher had been lurking in the attic. Sirius said he had found him up there, covered in dust, no doubt looking for more relics of the Black family to hide in his cupboard. ThoughSirius seemed satisfied with this story, it made them uneasy. Kreacherseemed to be in a better mood on his reappearance, his bitter muttering had subsided somewhat, and he submitted to orders more docilely than usual, though once or twice Percy caught the house-elf staring at Harry.

Then, on the very last day of the holidays, something happened that made Harry positively dread his return to school.

"Harry," said Mrs. Weasley, poking her head into Harry's, Percy's, and Ron's bedroom, where the pair of them were playing wizard chess watched by Percy, Hermione, Ginny, and Crookshanks, "could you come down to the kitchen? Professor Snape would like a word with you."

"Professor Snape?" Percy asked skeptically.

Harry did not immediately register what she had said; one of his castles was engaged in a violent tussle with a pawn of Ron's, and he was egging it on enthusiastically."Squash him — squash him, he's only a pawn, you idiot — sorry, Mrs. Weasley, what did you say?"

"Professor Snape, dear. In the kitchen. He'd like a word with you."

Percy and Harry looked around at Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, all of whom were gaping back at him. Crookshanks, whom Hermione had been restraining with difficulty for the past quarter of an hour, leaped gleefully upon the board and set the pieces running for cover, squealing at the top of their voices.

"Snape?" said Harry blankly.

"Professor Snape, dear," said Mrs. Weasley reprovingly. "Now come on, quickly, he says he can't stay long."

"What's he want with you?" said Ron, looking unnerved as Mrs.Weasley withdrew from the room. "You haven't done anything, have you?"

"No!" said Harry indignantly

A minute later, when Harry left, Mr. Weasley came back so Ron and Ginny left. So Percy and Hermione played wizards chess and Hermione demolished him. Then they heard a large crash which Percy was the furniture.

"NO!" Harry yelled,  "Sirius, don't —" 

"Are you calling me a coward?" roared Sirius

There was a pause

"Harry — get — out — of — it!" snarled Sirius,

That was it. Percy and Hermione ran down before things could escalate. The kitchen door opened and the entire Weasley family, plus Percy and Hermione, came inside, with Mr. Weasleywalking proudly in their midst dressed in a pair of striped pajamascovered by a mackintosh. 

"Cured!" he announced brightly to the kitchen at large. "Completely cured!" 

He and all the other Weasleys froze on the threshold, gazing at the scene in front of them, which was also suspended in mid-action, bothSirius and Snape looking toward the door with their wands pointinginto each other's faces and Harry immobile between them, a handstretched out to each of them, trying to force them apart. 

"Merlin's beard," said Mr. Weasley, the smile sliding off his face,"what's going on here?"

 Both Sirius and Snape lowered their wands. Each wore an expression of utmost contempt, yet theunexpected entrance of so many witnesses seemed to have broughtthem to their senses. Snape pocketed his wand and swept back acrossthe kitchen, passing the Weasleys without comment. At the door, helooked back.

"Six o'clock Monday evening, Potter."He was gone.

 Sirius glared after him, his wand at his side. 

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