Chapter 26

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Percy was surrounded by darkness. Floating into nothingness.

"I must be dead." Percy thought. But where was he? There was no trial, no fields of punishment, nothin. He might be where the faded Gods are. In Chaos.

Percy tried to move but his body won't obey. It was like someone is controlling them.

"Hello Perseus Jackson." a voice said. It was calm, deep and powerful. "You have not completed your destiny. Protect Harry Potter. We'll meet again Perseus."

Eric Munch was a normal watch wizard at the ministry of magic. Due to the recent events, security has doubled and more aurors have been called back to headquarters. Now that you-know-who is back and Dumbledore proved Fudge wrong. It was a matter of when will Fudge will either be ousted or resigned.

He unlocked the doors to the department of mysteries for regular patrolling and saw something unique. Inside was the veil, an enigmatic structure located in the Department of Mysteries. It seemed to be a manifestation of the barrier between the land of the living and the land of the dead. People say that whoever enters the veil will never come back. But the first person to go through it was Perseus Jackson, a fifth year student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was hit by the killing curse by Bellatrix Lestrange and had passed in the veil. He had been declared dead for two days. Probably to keep his seat in check, Fudge posthumously awarded Jackson Order of Merlin first class for saving the life of an innocent wizard Sirius Black who was now free of all charges.

But not for long because Eric had just witnessed a body glid out of the veil and landed with a soft thump. He looked horrible. His hair was grey and his skin was pale. Not to mention that he looks like he lost a stone. His cheeks were hollow and his school robes were tattered.

He set a Patronus message to the nearest healers, guards and Amelia bones, his boss.

Within minutes they came, with Amelia Bones leading the way. There were also healers from St. Mungo's. Eric checked his pulse. He nodded. He was alive but he was in a trance.

"Take him to St Mungo's." Amelia barked out to the healers.

Percy just woke up in a hospital bed. He guessed that he was in St. Mungos. The healer in charge was none other than his mother Sally Jackson. She rushed towards him and pulled him into a bear hug crying. He couldn't help but return the hug too.

Apparently a lot of people have been visiting him while he was in coma. There was the entire Weasley family (Minus Percy), Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Tonks and professor McGonagall both were admitted to St. Mungo's, Remus Lupin, Paul Blofis his step father, Sirius Black after all charges have been cleared, Nico and Mrs. O Leary, Harry, Hermione, Professor Dumbledore now the newly reinstated headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and even, (it only happened once) his father.

"You know that Granger girl stayed overnight. Do you have a crush on her Percy?"

"No!" Percy said abruptly his hair turning red from embarrassment. "She's just a friend mom."

"A really close on." she murmured to herself smirking "I sent the letter from Athena saying that you woken up." his mother said kissing him on the cheek. "You know you have to tell them right?" she spoke nervously. "About your father's side."

Percy signed. "I know, we'll cross that bridge later. I'll them when I go back to school."

Since the school year hasn't ended yet, he was going back to Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall was also coming back so she agreed to apparated Percy to the grounds. It was also the last day of school.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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