Stark Sickness

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«Tony Stark has added Pepper, Peter, Happy and Rhodey to the "StarkFam" group chat»

«Peter has joined the chat»
«Happy has joined the chat»
«Rhodey has joined the chat»

Happy: He honestly needs to get a better name than 'StarkFam'. It's cringy.

Rhodey: Tony's in a life crisis right now, Happy, don't be selfish, man.

Peter: I hope mom and Mr Stark are okay, they've been gone for two hours.

Rhodey: Kid, it's been like   30 minutes.

Happy: Yeah, that's not that long.

Peter: YES IT IS!

Happy: Okay.

Rhodey: Chill out. Nobody asked for you to be this miserable.

Peter: I did.

Rhodey: .....

Rhodey: Do you know what he is suffering from?

Happy: Depression?

Peter: NO!It's Stark Sickness!

Happy: I knew that, heh heh. I was just joking.

Rhodey: No you weren't. Liar.

Happy: You're right I wasn't

Peter: I want them to come back nowwwwww!

«Pepper has joined the chat»
«Tony has joined the  chat»

Peter: Ooh yay. So mom, da-Mr Stark, how did labour go?

Tony: *Frantically shaking head*

Peter: Oh....Ohhhhh.

Happy: Definitely not the time right?

Pepper: *Nods and rubs belly*

Rhodey: Happy, take the kid upstairs or something.

Happy: Okay. Come on, Peter.

Peter: Okay.

«Peter has left the chat»
«Happy has left the chat»

Rhodey: Okay, Pepper, sit down.

Pepper: *Sits on sofa*

Rhodey: She looks too upset to speak. Tones, what's going down?

Tony: Okay, so we went to the hospital because Pep was ready to deliver, but the baby didn't come out.

Pepper: *Cries*

Tony: *Holds her hand*

Rhodey: That's awful. I'm sorry you guys.

Tony: They told her to come back if she feels any worse contractions.

Rhodey: That could be anytime.

Tony: Exactly.

Pepper: I really want this baby. :(

Tony: So do I, honey. We'll be okay. ♥︎

Pepper: ♥︎

Pepper: Okay, enough about me and my contractions. Let's focus on something happy.

Rhodey: Should I call the boys?

Pepper: *Nods*

Rhodey: *Yells* Peter! Happy! Get down here! Actually....

«Rhodey has sent a request for Happy and Peter to join the "StarkFam" chat.»

«Happy and Peter have accepted Rhodey's request»

«Peter has joined the chat»
«Happy has joined the chat»

Happy: Hello again.

Pepper: Hi Peter. Hi Happy.

Peter: Hi mom. Hey Mr Stark.

Tony: *Shows visible disappointment in his face*

Rhodey: Ooh, he'll get there one day.

Tony: With what? *changes face*

Happy: Calling you dad.

Tony: It doesn't bother me.

Peter: I think it does, Mr Stark.

Tony: It doesn't.

Pepper: I know your face when you're hurt, Anthony.

Tony: *Squirming* I think I'll take a shot of Scotch now.

Rhodey: I'm following you because I want some of that Scotch too.

Happy: I'll just accompany Peter.

Pepper: I'm gonna stay here and put my feet up. Ow!Ow!

Peter: *Running back* Mom! Mom! Are you okay?

Pepper: Yeah, just contractions, sweetie. She keeps kicking as well. *Rubs belly*

Peter: Ah, okay. If you need anything mom, I'm here to help.

Pepper: Thank you, Peter. *Hugs him*

Peter: *Runs into the livingroom*

Tysm for reading and I hope y'all enjoyed! It's not the most exciting way to open the fourth Avengers Chatroom, I know. Also, have you noticed that I have changed the font and added actions/emotions to the characters? Don't forget to comment if you like it this way--and vote! God Bless Y'all!♥︎♥︎♥︎

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