Chapter Five-Special Little Thing(Dean's POV)

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Dean's POV

"Is it just me...or is she just getting hotter by the minute?", I say to Damon through our wolf telepathy. We were still at lunch eating and talking amongst ourselves, one subject after another.

"I honestly couldn't agree more. So far she is proving herself to be quite the worthy mate for us. Father will be both happy and proud to know that our pack at long last has a Luna to help us lead them", Damon said glancing over Claira as she spoke with our group.

I could clearly see that she was gradually getting comfortable with us....if only she knew the real us....what we truly are I mean. God only knows how she'll react and it worries both me and my wolf. The thought of our beautiful mate rejecting us because of what we are would cut a wound so deep that my heart and soul would bleed for an eternity. I don't think that either me or my wolf could bear it, and looking over at Damon's troubled expression, he's thinking the exact same thing too.

Ever since we laid eyes on her last night our wolves have been getting pretty antsy, but then again they already were even before we first saw her. Our best guest was that when she first entered over our territory line they must've instantly picked up her presence somehow. Either way we're glad she's here. We were supposed to find our mate when we turned 16, but we didn't really have much luck. A year and a half had passed and soon we'll be turning 18 in 6 months on March 26th next year.

Had Claira not came here before the day of our 18th birthday we would have not only been without a Luna for our pack, but our inner wolves would have suffered a great pain so severe that they would have eventually died out and we would become mortal. You would never be able to shift into your wolf form again.

Fortunately enough, for anyone that had went through something like that, there was a way to gain your wolf back. If you were to find your mate and you have properly mated, your wolf would be fully restored to you once again. The ability to shift again would be gifted back to you by the Moon goddess herself.

Right now me and Damon are just not only lucky enough to not go through that pain, but to finally meet our mate at last.

We watch her quietly as she chatted away with our friends. That moment when Irina first brought up The Red Wolf, both mine and Damon's eyes went wide with shock. Hearing her talk a bit about it with Claira got us worried because certain things that go on in there may be too much for her to handle. Granted some humans go in there themselves to try and roll like we do, but this is different, this is our mate and anything can happen if she's not protected.

We sat and ate till not long after the sound of the school bell rang signifying the end of the lunch period. We all got up, put away our trays, and walked out into the hall to our lockers. All of our lockers were together in a row, well except for Claira's of course, but hopefully some time soon she'll be right between Damon and I.

As I was rummaging through my locker to find what I needed for the next class, I heard my father's voice talking through our wolf link. "Dean. Damon. We need to talk. Now".

Me and Damon both look at each other with confused looks wondering if we had gotten in trouble or not. We haven't done anything....recently at least...but the tone in his voice spoke differently.

Damon just rolled his eyes and turned to the group, "Hey guys we have to go. Seems like daddy dearest wants to have a little chat with us".

Irina slowly had a grin creeping up on her face "Ooo, what did you two do this time?"

" least not lately", I said closing up my locker. I look over at Claira and see her looking off elsewhere with a far away expression on her face. I couldn't help but wonder what on earth could be going through that pretty little head of hers, and sure enough not long after I had thought about it, Damon beats me to the question. "Penny for your thoughts beautiful?"

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