Chapter One- Homecoming

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"WELCOME TO THE TOWN OF SHERWOOD~Population: 6,118" said the sign to our new home as me and my mom drove passed it in her car. I had my ear buds in listening to my favorite rock bands the whole entire car ride. From Evanescence, Seether, Flyleaf, and Creed, I've been drowning myself in their music trying to put my mind at ease about the big move. Let's just say moving from sunny side Florida, to cold and cloudy Oregon wasn't exactly something that I was so over excited about. My mom had to explain to me that she had gotten a promotion that was gonna pay her double of what she was already making...that...and she said that a change in scenery would be good for me. And with that being said she just told me to suck it up and start packing. Which lead us here to a complete stop into the driveway on the side of our new house.

"Soooo...what do you think? Nice huh?"

I glanced out the window, looking the house up and down. "Yeah. Very". I honestly couldn't lie. The house was pretty amazing. In fact, it was almost like a junior sized mansion. It was made up completely of red and brown bricks, and dark colored windows with white frames covering the front of the house from top to bottom. The door was solid black with three smaller windows lined up vertically on each side of it, and a huge white frame also surrounding the door too. It kinda seemed like a house that I see myself living in sometime in the future.

"Alright, come on. Time to unload and unpack. The moving truck's gonna be here with the rest of our stuff later on today and I would like to have the things we have now put away before it gets here. I don't need things piling up on us. The less work the better", my mom said getting out of the truck, determination clearly written on her face. Sighing, I slowly get out of the car too, my mom handing me a couple of the boxes out the back of the truck. After she grabs a couple boxes herself we make our way up to the front door. As she finds the key to the front door, I take a glance behind me at the area. I spotted houses here and there but most of this neighborhood was still occupied by dozens and dozens of tall trees. It was like living in the woods itself.

Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw movement coming from behind one of the trees. I looked closer and saw a little girl's head slowly peek out from behind it. She appeared to be barefooted and the short frilly little dark green dress that she was wearing looked as if she had been playing in the dirt all day. Her face, arms, and legs were no better either for almost every inch of her skin was tatted with dry mud, and her long red curly hair was like a bird's nest complete with small twigs and leaves in different sections of her hair. Oh God...who was this poor girl and where were her parents. She couldn't've been no more than maybe 5 or 6 years old. She just stood there staring at me with her big green eyes, and she seemed more playfully shy than a scared, lost little girl.

The sound of my mom calling out my name instantly brought my attention back to her as she stood there looking at me with curiosity clear in her eyes. "I called your name three times already, what in the world were you looking at?"

"Um...nothing...I just thought I saw a deer that's all", I gave her a genuine reassuring smile.

She smiled back at me. "Oh yeah? Well you better get used to seeing lots of other wildlife here. We are in their territory after all. Now come on inside, we have lots to do". She picked the boxes she had back up before walking through the door. Before I followed in after her, I looked back behind me again expecting to see the little girl again only to be greeted with nothing. The spot where she was standing was now empty. I looked all around to see if I could maybe spot her again but came up short. She was just gone. Shaking my head of the weird event, I just tried to forget about it and walked inside the house.

The first thought that I had when I saw the inside of this place was "Wow". The first thing that you would see was the living room on the left. The hardwood flooring coming from the front door and down the hall. It was cut off by the beige carpet that was in the living room area. It had a nice huge space with a white fireplace in the far corner of the room, and a big window that covered up most of the opposite wall. The curtains were open, allowing the sunlight to pour through window giving the room a nice warm and inviting feel. I went to go put the boxes I had down against one of the walls when my mother had called for me.

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