Chapter Four- The Alphas' Clique

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Claira's POV

First period was finally over. As soon as the bell rang I picked up my bag and walked out the classroom. I swear the whole time the two twins behind me were staring at me the whole class period. Weirdos. Very cute weirdos, but still.

Shaking my head of the thought, I took out my schedule to see what class that I had next and saw that I had Geometry class. My bag was starting to get too heavy for me now because of the amount of notebooks, binders and other school supplies that I had stashed in my bag. I wanted to go to my locker real quick so that I could drop off some things before I headed off to my next class. I took out the paper with my locker number and combination numbers and began searching for my locker by going down the halls and scimming over the numbers on the other lockers next to me. "364..365..366...368, gotcha!".

I move towards it, looking down at the paper again to see what the combination numbers were which were numbers 18-36-21. I put the numbers in, pull up the latch at the top, and pull the locker open. It was very spacious and thank God for that.

After taking out some of my stuff and placing them neatly inside, I close up my locker. I felt my phone vibrate in my jacket pocket and reach for it. I turn on the screen to see a text message from my mom telling me that the key I needed to the house was in the mailbox when I got back home from school. I just smile, texting her a quick thank you before storing my phone back into my pocket.

I suddenly see something move from the corner of my eye and quickly look up only to see one of the twins from my English class staring down at me with a slight smirk on his face. His arms were crossed over his chest and he was leaning up against the other locker door beside me. A little annoyed by his previous staring in class, I had to say something already cause this was driving me absolutely crazy.

"You know if all your gonna do is be rude and stare at me and not say anything to me while I'm here, just take a picture already, it'll last longer. It's my first day here at this damn school and I really don't need a couple of look alike weirdos staring at me like some idiots with an eye problem all the time. So if you don't mind I'd like my face back please".

His eyebrows raise up in surprise, and a moment of silence stretched out for a bit before he starts laughing, still having that smirk on his face. Almost as if what I had just said didn't even affect him at all and was completely humorous to him. "Well hello there to you too beautiful. It's Claira, right?".

"Wow, he finally speaks. And to answer your question, yes. Now what do you want"?

"I'm Dean, and the other look alike weirdo that's coming over here now is my brother Damon", he says looking behind me. I turn around to surely enough see him walking over to us with the same smug look on his face as his brother. Hmm...I've never really actually been around identical twins before, especially ones as sexy and hot as these two......please excuse me while I mentally slap myself for even thinking such a thing. Get a grip already Clair, I think to myself quickly shaking my head. I can't get caught up now with these two, especially with it being my first day at this school. Plus I just met them. Maybe if they just keep a fair enough distance and stop with the weirdness we could become really good friends or something.

"I assume you've already done all of the introductions by now?", Damon says when he reaches us.

"Yup. And if I were you I'd be careful around this one. She's got a bit of a feisty little attitude on her. Which I may add was a very sexy sight to see."

" that so?" Damon reaches a hand up to the side of my face, brushing back a few strands of my hair and tucking it behind my ear. After that he slowly trails his fingers down my face, lingering for a brief moment underneath my jaw " soft", he says in a gentle tone as he strokes his thumb back and forth along my jawline. Ok, that's it. At that moment I slapped his hand away from my face.

Being The Mate Of Twin Alphas *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now