Chapter 14

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I jumped on the bed after taking a shower.

What a tiring day.

I ended up patching up two people who tried to stab each other because of some childish fight. 

"Are they normally like that?" I asked P'Mew. He's already at the bed busy watching something from his phone.

"Well, they always fight. But stabbing each other? Not really." P'Mew shrugged.

How can he be okay with that?

"Anyways, I'll be going out tomorrow to buy stuff to use for our trip. Where are we going anyway?" I asked P'Mew.

My parents told us that they'll give a getaway trip as a gift for our wedding. We initially declined because: (1) We can afford it. (2) we don't see any purpose for a getaway trip, honeymoon? Psh. That's just people who got married out of love.

But P'Mew talked to me about it and we ended up accepting it.

"It's not about the Money, Gulf. It's the effort and thought behind it. I think we should accept it, don't you think?" I remember him saying this to me.

Of course, I agreed. I can't say no to Phi.

So just like what was agreed, we'll wait for a week (because of the party, which my parents knew nothing about), then we'll go. It'll be a month-long vacation so I need to make sure that we have everything we'll need before we go.

"I'll go with you, Gulf. I think I need to buy some things, too." P'Mew said.

"You're busy, aren't you? I knew there's nothing in your official schedule but Dad told me that you'll go to the transaction on his behalf tomorrow." 

I got a chance to talk to Dad earlier before I went up to our room.

Dad and I have always been close. Well, not really. We had a rough start but since he became my teacher in martial arts and handling weapons, our bond became stronger. 

"Oh, he told you? Well, that's right. But I can have Saint handle it with Zee or Kao" P'Mew said.

"I'm fine. Really. Just give me the list of things you need and I'll buy it for you. This is just basic. We've been doing this before when we were in college."

Before you met Eye.

"Right. Okay. I'll send you a message later. Thank You, Gulfie"  P'Mew warmly smiled at me.

Damn, he's cute.

I felt myself blush so I nodded and hurriedly went to the side of my bed to sleep.


I'm about to leave the mansion when Jom approached me and asked to go with me.

Since I'm with Jom, I don't have a choice but to bring a bodyguard with me so Title, one of the guards here in the mansion, went with us.

We were seated inside the car comfortably when Jom said..

"I know you two will end up together," then she smiled at me.

"Really? What made you say that?" I'm curious.

"Well, for one, you know that Phi doesn't smile at everyone, right? But when he's with you, He laughs his ass off. He's just relaxed and laid back with you around. You only do that when you feel safe. And I am sure you feel the same." Jom said.

I just smiled.

If only this wouldn't be temporary. 

"I don't think it was ever Eye." Jom said suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"Eye never had a place in Phi's heart. He never looked happy when she's around. His smiles are less. His movements calculated, like he's afraid of her or something. Love doesn't look like that."  Jom stated.

I stayed silent.
What Jom said makes sense. 
But I don't want to get my hopes up.
What if He's more affectionate when they're alone?

I've seen how he looked at her. 
I can't be mistaken. 
Can I?


We were on our way back to the mansion when I received a text from Mew to go straight to a restaurant so we could eat dinner there.

Jom and I arrived at the restaurant. Apparently, it was closed for the night since it's not just us who'll be there. 

Inside the restaurant, I saw P'Mew, Mom and Dad (P'Mew's parents), P'Zee, P'Kao and their parents. The inside of the restaurant is heavily guarded as well.

So the heads of the family are here, huh?

"Hello, everyone." Jom and I greeted them.

I sat beside P'Mew, then Jom sat beside me, on my left. Across from us is P'Kao and P'Zee bickering about something.

"I just wanted to invite everyone for dinner since this is the last Dinner of Mew and Gulf before they go on their honeymoon." Dad said.

"Aow! The lovebirds will finally have their getaway, huh?" P'Kao said teasingly.

"I hope you have good stamina, Gulf. Mew might tire you out." P'Zee said while raising his eyebrows.

I feel heat rise in my cheeks.

"Shut up you two!" P'Mew said.

Everyone laughed.


Everyone at the table is eating peacefully. There are times that a topic will be brought up and that will cause laughter but all seemed fine.

Not until I noticed one of the waiters looked very suspicious. 
He seemed wary.

This doesn't look good.

I looked around and checked the body guards. They don't seem to notice his behavior.

So I was observing him, watching him carefully then I looked at Dad. 

The way that Dad stared at me makes me realize that I'm not the only one who finds the waiter suspicious.

Then suddenly, he's not the only one who looked wary. I saw 2 others near him.

This is bad.
That is definitely a gun behind his apron.

P'Mew stood up and went to the other side of the big table to talk to P'Zee's Dad about something and I stayed where I was, observing the three.

The two waiters looked like they were holding a gun behind their aprons, too.

Damn. This would not end well.

I looked at Dad and raised my eyebrow. 
He nodded.


Then suddenly I saw the waiter go near P'Mew. He was about to aim his gun towards Phi when I moved.

Everything went too fast.

Dad pulled out a gun, tossed it towards me then I shot the right shoulder of the waiter where he was holding the gun.


Then just a millisecond after that, I shot the shoulders of the two waiters as well.

Bang! Bang!

Everyone in the family ran behind the bodyguards.

Boat and Title held the other two waiters then I went straight to the waiter who attempted to shoot P'Mew.

I am furious.

He was lying in the ground in pain.
I pulled him up by the collar and slammed his body on the table.

I had the nozzle of the gun touch his head.



A/N: I bet you guys never expected a badass Gulf, huh?

See you in the next chapter. :)

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