Chapter 23

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I walked around the hospital and greeted everyone.
Today is going to be a good day.

After 2 months of rest, I finally get to go back to work.

¨Welcome back, Doctor. Congratulations on your Wedding!¨ Nuse Goy greeted me as I entered the Surgery Ward and went straight to the Nurse's Station.

¨Thank you. How are you guys?¨ I smiled.

¨Well, everything is doing okay. We even got a new handsome doctor¨ One of the nurses said.

¨Oh, really now? And speaking of the new doctor, I haven't met him yet. Is really that handsome?¨ I teasingly said.

¨Well, that's what they usually say. But I'm not as handsome as you¨ Someone from behind me said.

That voice sounds familiar.

¨Bright?¨ I turned around and saw my friend, Bright Vachirawit. 

¨What´s up, Gulfie?¨ He embraced me.

¨Wait, you guys know each other?¨ Mild said when he arrived at the Nurse's Station.

¨Yup, we met in my last year in High School¨ I explained.

¨Then flew to the US for college.¨ He added.

¨Let's meet after my rounds. We need a lot of catching up to do.¨ He smiled, patted my shoulder and left for his rounds. 



¨What I don´t get is how they were able to interfere with our other transactions that are not in their database. How were they able to know?¨ Saint said as he paced back and forth in the room.

¨I strongly think that there is a spy in our family. Where else will they get that information?¨ Boat added.

I have thought of that possibility before. Betrayal happens here all the time but this is an extreme offense that can cause death.

I´m not afraid to kill people, I was trained for that since I was little. But the thought that there would still be people betraying the family after all the good treatment and how Dad put so much effort in taking care of everyone disappoints me.

I will try to find who that person is and I'll make sure that they will be deeply punished.

Knock Knock!

¨P´Boat, Your boyfriend P´Jame is here to see you.¨ Title said as he entered the room.

¨Oh, our food is here. Let's eat!¨ Boat said as he excitedly went out of my office.

¨If you were my boyfriend, I would've broken up with you. All you ever do was ask for food!¨ Saint said.

¨I agree with Saint, Imagine dating you for 2 years and you only act in love when it involves food.¨I teasingly said to Boat. 

¨Shut up. Food is the way to a Man's heart. That's just understandable. Besides, I make sure to reward him every now and then¨ Boat smirked.

¨Stop that, You shit! You are fucking gross!¨ Saint shouted at Boat.

¨HAHA ask Jame if it is gross. I bet he'll I'm damn good.¨ Boat dared Saint.

¨Good at what?¨ Jame smilingly asked as he approached us.

¨That's nothing, Babe. Saint is just being bitter.¨ Boat said as he kiss Jame on the cheek. 

We sat down on the table. There's a food good for more than all of us. 

I wonder if Gulf has eaten already. I miss him.

He'll be at the hospital for a day today so I'll see him not until tomorrow morning.

¨I'm planning to bring Gulf food in the evening. Can I pack some food for him?¨I asked Jame.

¨Sure thing! I´ll pack some of the food and let me know when you´ll be leaving so I can get them ready.¨ Jame smiled.

¨Thank you, Jame. You´re so kind unlike your boyfriend.¨ I said.

¨Hey boss! That's foul. I was always kind and loyal to you.¨ Boat complained.

¨You're only loyal to food. You can't fool us.¨Saint said.

We all laughed as we ate our food.

I can't wait to see Gulf, I miss him every much.


I arrived at the hospital and quickly called Gulf.

He's not answering. Maybe he´s in surgery.

I went straight to the cafeteria so I can just wait for him there.

When I arrived, I saw Gulf sitting on one of the tables there. I was about to approach him when I saw a familiar face putting his arms around my husband´s shoulder.

What the hell? He's back?

¨Gulf, love! I brought you food!¨ I shouted as I approached them.

¨Phi! You´re here!¨ He launched right at me as he hugged me.

I looked at the man's eye as I smirked.

Yes, you're seeing it right. He's happy to see me enough to leave you where you´re standing.

¨Bright! Do you remember P´Mew?¨ Gulf said as he continues to hug me.

¨Of course! How can I forget? Hello, P´mew. How are you?¨ He asked but there was a hint of annoyance in his voice.

¨I´m doing well. Let me formally introduce myself as I wasn't able to do that before¨.

I went towards him, while one of my hands was wrapped around Gulf´s waist.

¨Nice to meet you. I am Mew Suppasit, one of your seniors in High School and Gulf´s Husband.¨

If you think you´ll succeed in getting Gulf this time, you are wrong.

Gulf is mine.


AN: Sorry for the ling wait. I was so busy lately that I cant find a time to update.

See you in the next chapter! :)

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