Chapter 18

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4 years ago

Mew's POV


I laid down on my bed after a busy and stressful day.

Damn. I miss my Gulfie.

It's bad enough that I can't officially ask him to be mine yet because of the favor that his parents asked from me. Now, I don't see him as often as I would like because he decided to be a doctor.

He always wanted to be a Movie Director. I wasn't able to ask him about his change of heart yet but I don't really care. As long as he's happy, then I'm happy.

I grabbed my phone and tried calling him.


I reached voicemail.

I sighed and just closed my eyes when I heard the phone rang.

Saint calling…

I frowned. This is not the caller I was expecting.

"What do you want?"

"Woah, Boss. No need to be grumpy at me I got all the info you asked from me."

"Good. Send it to my email. I'll review it tomorrow.  I'll be sleeping now. Bye."

"Oh.. I thought you'd ask Gulf for dinner?" He asked.

I sighed. "He's not answering his phone since earlier. Doctor Gulf must be very busy."  I hung up the phone and laid down again.

I miss him so much.

Since, I can't sleep yet. I just decided to check the email Saint sent me.

I was right.

Eye Siwapohn is from the Chivaree clan.

I have found her suspicious ever since she approached me when we were in college but I shrugged it off because Gulf said she looks like a nice lady.

Well I guess she isn't.

A month ago, she went to my office and told me that she wanted to date me.

I politely declined because to be honest, Gulf is the only one for me.

It has been 17 years and it will never change.  Ever.

So when she kept on contacting me after I rejected her, I tried to find a way to stop her for good.

I ended up finding out the reason behind all of her antics.

I was reading through the report and I found out that (1) She's the second child of the Siwaphon family. (2) Their family is included in the Chivaree clan. (3) She's highly involved in their family's mafia activities.

It only means that she knows about our failed transactions. 

Recently,  the number of failed transactions of the family are increasing. We have eliminated the traitors one by one but what surprised us is that another Mafia family is behind all these. 

The Chivaree clan has tried to sabotage our transactions to steal clients and grow their business.

We were able to plant a spy who informed us that the family has a 5 year plan to steal and sabotage other families' transactions to help fund a very dangerous biogenetics research.

We need to find a way to stop it so I'm trying to get support from other Mafia families and plan a way to take them down.

This is getting worse and worse.

My phone rang.

I answered the call without looking at the caller ID and grumpily answered it.

"You sound mad, Phi. Is this a bad time? I can just call b--" 

"No! Gulfie don't hang up! Everything's okay. I just thought you were Saint. He kept on bothering me since earlier, so…" I replied.

I missed his voice.

"How was your day?" I asked him.

"Oh my God, You wouldn't believe what happened here earlier. There was a 3 year old kid…." Gulfie happily told me a story of how he saved the child.

He kept on talking but I don't care.
His voice calmed me down.

I really love him.  I can't wait to make him mine. Just a few more years, Mew. Let him finish his Residency and you can confess all you want. Patience, Mew. Patience.


"So their house is heavily guarded but we are sure that the ledgers and plans are kept there. We just need a plan so we can break into their home and steal everything." Saint said.

"But we're talking about thousands of plans and transactions here. You can't steal that in just one night" Boat said.

"Exactly. So we need to create a plan where we can carefully gather the information without them being suspicious at all." Dad said.

"I have one. I think this is the safest way possible." They all looked at me.

"Eye Siwaphon. She approached me to spy on us, then I'll use her too." 

"How? It's not like you'll pretend to date her so you can enter their house or something." Saint said and I nodded.

"What the hell, Mew?! Why would you even stoop that low? What about Gulf?" Boat asked.

"This is just temporary.  There's no way I'll fall for her. Gulf is it for me. I love Gulf very much." I said while looking at Dad.

"Why are you staring at me, Son? I've already accepted him for a long time. You'll be surprised at how good his martial arts and weapon skills are. That kid is a sharpshooter." Dad said proudly.

I just rolled my eyes at him.

¨So, I´ll talk to her tomorrow. Once we start dating, I´ll visit her house. By that time, you guys know what to do.¨ I told them. Boat and Saint nodded.

This better be worth it.

After meeting with Dad, Saint and Boat, I went to the Hospital where Gulf is working.

Now, I´m standing in front of the Entrance of the emergency room, trying to get a glimpse of Gulf before I go back to my condo and rest. I promised to keep this mission a secret, even to Gulf because this might put him in danger. But, I'm nervous about it.

What if it takes a long time to get all the data?
What if it takes too long that Gulf will get tired of waiting for me?
What if he starts to love someone else?

I shook my head to have these awful thoughts go away and pulled out my phone from my pocket.

I was about to call Gulf when I heard an ambulance approaching the Emergency Room.

There were 2 ambulances who arrived and it carried two injured men.

¨Pohn, love! Stay with me. Don´t die, okay? I love you. I love you so much¨ I heard one of the injured men say while they are being brought inside.

God, I hope this doesn't happen to us.
I hope we keep our promise to stay together for a long time.

I put my phone back in my pocket and went back to my car.

He´ll be busy so I´ll just talk to him some other time.
I have to focus on what I need to do tomorrow. I´ll talk to Eye and get this over with.

I'm sorry, Gulf. Wait for me. I love you.


An: next chapters will have Mew POVs and flashbacks.

See you in the next chapter :)

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