Chapter 27

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¨Where are we going, love?¨ P´Mew asked me as I drove us outside town.

¨It's A secret, Phi! Just wait till we get there, the drive will take hours so just sleep first and I´ll let you know once we are there.¨  I said as he nodded and closed his eyes.

Phi has been working since he got home yesterday and he just finished 30 minutes before we left. 

After an hour, we've arrived at the villa by the cliff.

It's beautiful.

¨Phi, We´re here.¨ I said as we got out of the car and in front is a villa, it's located at the cliff with the view of the beach.

As he looked around, I wrapped my hands around his waist.

¨We´ll stay here?¨ He asked,

¨Yes, but this is yours. Happy 6th month of marriage, husband.¨ I said I kiss his cheek.

¨What do you mean this is mine? You bought it?¨ He turned to me and asked.

¨Yes, Phi.  My family is rich too, you know.¨ I smirked and held his hand while we went inside the house.

As we went inside, I led him to the living room where the cake and the bouquet of flowers I bought was. I looked at him and noticed that he wasn't looking at the cake and flowers, he was looking at the big portrait of us that I hang on the wall.

It was our photo in Amsterdam where he was carrying me, bridal style, we're looking at each other while laughing,  surrounded by the flower field.

"Do you like it?" I asked him.

"I love it, love! Thank you so much!" He said as he kissed me.

He put his hands on my waist then snaked it around me as he deepened the kiss. I moaned in pleasure as he pressed his body against me. 

"I want you, love. Can we go to the bedroom now please?" He pleaded as he looked me in the eye.

My man is so handsome. Fuck the house tour! I want him now!

"Yes, hubby. Let's go" I said as he lifted me up and carried me to the bedroom.


I woke up and checked the clock on the bedside drawer.

It's 5:30am in the morning. 

I looked at the other side of the bed and realized that P'Mew isn't there.

I put on a shirt and my sweatpant and went outside the villa, I found P'Mew at the cliff looking at the sunrise.

"I'm sorry if I didn't wake you up, love. You were sleeping peacefully.  How are you?" He asked as he hugged me.

"I'm doing fine. The sunrise is beautiful isn't it?" I asked as we saw down the grass and stared at the sunrise.

"Not as beautiful as you, though." P'Mew said while holding my hand.

He took a small box in his pocket and gave it to me. I opened it and saw a silver necklace chain.

"I know that there are times that you won't be able to wear your wedding ring on your hand because of your surgeries, so I had that made. That was originally my Grandfather's wedding ring, I had it melted and turned into a necklace chain." He took my wedding ring off my finger, put it in the necklace chain and put the necklace on me.

"Happy 6th month of marriage, my love. I love you the most. Whatever happens, I'll make sure that we will always end up together." He said as he looked into my eyes.

"I love you too, Phi. Thank you for the wonderful gift.  I trust you with all my heart and I'll make sure as well that we'll always end up together. You are my home." I replied as I kissed him while the sun rose.


"Love, I have something to talk to you about. " P'Mew said as we arrived at the Suppasit Mansion.

"What is it, Phi?"

"The business isn't looking good even with the help of the other families and your family. So to save the remaining reputation of the family and the business, I talked to the Chivarees yesterday to come to an agreement. The head Tawan Chivaree said that they'll stop interrupting the transactions if I marry Eye. They want me to divorce you." P'Mew said.

"But of course that will never happen! We've come up with a solution though we're not yet ready to move. We're just waiting for the perfect moment and we'll attack them. This will be fixed soon. So you don't have to worry about it, love. Okay? I just told you so you know what they said." P'Mew explained.

"No, Phi! It's okay! I'm fine. Thank you for letting me know. Let's now rest first before you get back to work, okay?" I told him as he went towards me and hugged me.

"Okay. I love you, Gulfie." 

"I love you too, My Phi."

I need to help. I need to let P'Metawin and P'Nadech know about this.

"Go to the bed first, Phi. I'll follow in a bit, I'll just go to the bathroom, okay?" I said as I entered the bathroom and locked the door.

I called P'Metawin.

"Phi? I need your help." I said.

"I know what's going on. We have a plan. I'll go there tomorrow." P'Win said



I woke up at noon the next day and was asked to go to Dad's office by Gulf. When I entered the room, I saw Gulf's older brothers: Win and Nadech. Saint, Boat, Kao  Zee and their parents are there too.

"What's going on?" I asked as I looked around.

Gulf stood from where he was sitting.

"Let's divorce." Gulf said.

What the hell? 

"Wha-- What are you talking about, love?" I asked him as I felt tears falling down my eyes. 

I never cried in front if anyone except from Gulf and my Parents.

"I want a Divorce, Phi." Gulf said as I can see determination in his eyes.

This is not happening!


AN: This Au is almost at its end. Thank you for reading it and zi hope you enjoy the story!

See you in the next chapter! :)

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