Chapter 25

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I'm currently in my office reading the report sent by Title.  3 months ago, He was sent to spy in the Chivaree clan, he is currently under the Siwaphon's.

Let's see.

Chivaree clan is a partnership between the Siwaphon and Chivaree. Leader of the clan is the eldest son of the Chivarees as their father Dad 5 years ago due to Lung Cancer. 3 Sons: 2 unnamed yet, the eldest name is Tawan Chivaree. Only information known about the other brothers is that they work in the medical field. 1 of the 2 is a doctor, the other is a biotechnologist. 

So, that's why they have illegal projects in biogenetics.

Siwaphon family has the father, Gamon Siwaphon. Wife has already died giving birth to the daughter, Eye. Has 3 kids. 2 boys: Prem, the oldest son and Ram as the 2nd son. All kids are involved in the mafia.

The family was in serious debt when the father of the Chivarees died. They started making money and getting their reputation back after stealing transactions which includes child trafficking, selling ammunition and drug trading. After a year, one of the brothers thought about using Biogenetics to make money.

The Biogenetics plan is manufacturing a genetically modified baby where the client can choose the traits and characteristics of their baby.

What the hell?
This is more serious than I thought.
We need to find a way to end their clan before the situation gets worse.



I just finished a 5 hour surgery and was on my way to the cafeteria.
I checked my phone and saw a text from P'Mew is still working. I checked the time.

It's already 3am.

I called him.

"Hello, love. How was the surgery?" P'Mew asked.

I missed his voice. The last 2 weeks, we barely see each other. I've been busy and spending days in the hospital while he's busy working.

We only get to call each other when we're free and the phone calls are not even long.

"It was successful, Phi. It took 5 hours but everything worked out fine. How was work?" I asked.

"There's minimal progress but we'll get there eventually. There was a transaction that I was supposed to go to but there was an emergency with the other business so Dad went to it instead. Well, anyways, I'm about to eat. Have you eaten?" He asked.

"I haven't yet. Let's switch to video chat, Phi. Let's eat together." I suggested.

We ended the call and started a video chat as we started to eat our food.

I just hope that everything will work fine soon.
It doesn't seem like it but we're almost at our  6 months of being married and I want to celebrate the occasion. 
I hope this ends soon.


Title's POV

I'm with the people of Siwaphon's for a special assignment. I don't have any information yet and I don't feel good about this.

When we stepped out of the car, I looked around and realized that the place we went to is familiar.

Shit. Could this be?
Damn it! I'm right! This is one of our transactions!
I need to let Boss Mew right away!

Before I got to send a message we were instructed to go inside already. 

I looked around and searched for Boss P'Mew…

Why is the Big Boss and Kao here? Where's Boss Mew?

The shooting began. I sneakily went to the second floor of the abandoned warehouse and looked over the shooting. 

I was about to pull out my phone to call Boss Mew when I noticed a familiar face that entered the warehouse.

What the hell?!
He is the spy!
How?! I need to let P'Mew know right away.

Bang! Bang!

"BOSS!" I hear people from the family shout.

Shit! Big Boss is now lying on the ground.

This is getting worse!

I pulled out my phone and tried to call Boss Mew.



I was about to go home when I was paged to go down the Emergency Room. 

"VIP. 2 injured men. Both gunshot wounds. 1 is awake and the other is in critical condition."

I opened the curtain and was shocked at what I saw. 

My father-in-law went lying on a stretcher, full of blood. Boat and Saint is here as well.

"What the hell happened?" I asked Boat while Saint is busy making a call.

"Failed transaction. Kao was injured as well, he's being treated by another doctor." Boat explained. 

"Book an OR, we'll operate on him now!" I said to the resident doctor.

 I opened the other curtain and saw Kao.

"I'm taking dad to the operating room. How is he?" I asked the doctor that's taking care of him.

"It was a cut, Doctor. I'm going to stitch it now. Everything looked normal." The other doctor said.

I nodded.

As I approached the OR, my phone rang. It's P'Mew.

I answered the phone.

"I know. I'll operate on Dad now. Kao is fine, he just needs stitches. Take care on going here. Drive safely, okay? I love you, Phi. Be safe." I said as I walked towards the operating room.

You will not die, Dad. Not on my watch.



I paced back and forth as I waited outside the Operating Room. It has been 5 hours and we haven't gotten any update yet. 

I'm with Mom, Jom, Saint, Zee, Boat and Saint. There are other members of the family that wants to go as well but I told them to stay at home and try to heal since the others have minimal injuries. 

After a few minutes, Gulf went out of the Operating Room.

"How is he?" I ask as I hold my Mom who's beside me.

"He flatlined in the Operating Room but we were able to revive him. We were able to remove the bullet that was located near his heart. It wasn't hit by the bullet but since he lost a lot of blood, he might wake up late. He's stable now so we just need to wait for his body to heal and for him to wake up." Gulf said.

"Thank you, Son. Thank you!" Mim hugged Gulf.

"Thank you, love" I told him.

He slightly smiled at us and told us to wait for a bit since they are still preparing to move him to his room. He just said his goodbyes to Mom and I before going back to the Operating Room.

As I sat back on one of the chairs, I received a text message from Title.

As I read it, I feel my blood boil.

So he is the traitor, huh?

I will not let him get away with this!


AN: do you have any idea who the traitor is?

See you in the next chapter :)

Oh and a disclaimer about the biogenetics thing, i think it was discussed as well in biology class. Its something that you can do in genetic engineering. you can search for it online. You can type "Designer Baby".

That's it. See you!

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