#1 ~ Introductions between us

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After waking up from the confusing black out, I realise that I am sleeping on a hard wooden desk, wanting to know what had happened I shakily lifted my aching head. I was in a... classroom? Shrugging it off, I assumed that someone had moved me here after I passed out. I saw that a sheet of paper with some writing on it was laying on the same desk my head laid on. At first I hesitated to read it, but then picked it up as my eyes skimmed over the page. Childish drawings were covering the sheet, which made me think that it was a prank because there is no way the school would make an announcement in such an immature improper way. But, there's no harm in checking the entrance hall out, as it was already 8:00 and I was supposedly late to whatever I was supposed to attend. It felt weird, but looking around for the entrance hall I finally found it, and I opened the door to see 14 other people stood there, worried expressions on some of their faces. One by one they looked up at me, which made me a little nervous as I blushed not knowing what to say. But that expression quickly changed to a surprised face as a boy in a white uniform and black, short hair marched over to me, furrowing his big eyebrows as he started to complain that I was 5 minutes late.

"Excuse me but you need to improve on your horrible punctuality, it's so disrespectful!" He shouted as I took a step back to put some space between us.

"Oh uhh... I'm really sorry I just woke up and saw the note.. it also took me a while to get here." I started to itch my cheek with my pointer finger, clearly embarrassed at being told off by who I observe is my class mate.

"Oh literally who cares if he's a couple minutes late anyways, it's not exactly like the teachers stuck to their schedule either." A girl who I recognised sassily replied to the boy in a white uniform. He huffed and stormed away, the girl rolling her eyes at him as she turned back towards me.

"Sooo like, we were about to start introducing ourselves to each other if you wanted to join. Seeing as I'm here now I might as well introduce myself! I'm Junko Enoshima, the ultimate fashionista!" She proudly stated, throwing a quick pose.

"Oh wow.. I thought I recognised you, my sister loves your magazines." I realised she looked quite different in real life compared to her in pictures, but I didn't want to insult her so I kept quiet about it and continued. "I'm Makoto Naegi, and it's not an amazing ultimate but I'm the ultimate lucky student." I averted my gaze, feeling quite ashamed that I didn't have anything interesting to say. Junko gave me a smile and nodded, before shaking my hand then went to go talk to others.

After introducing myself to over half the class, I turned around, making eye contact with a tall, blonde boy wearing glasses. Despite him having a really intimidating look, I decided to walk up to him anyways.

"Hey! I'm Makoto Naegi, I really hope to get on with you!" I tried to be confident, but I think anyone would be able to tell that I was quite nervous. He shrugged his shoulders before adjusting his white glasses, smirking. I could already tell he was way more confident than I was. It kind of relieved me as it wouldn't be as awkward to talk if he wasn't afraid to pick up conversation.

"I am Byakuya Togami, the ultimate heir." He looked down with a snobby look on his face. "What is your talent?"
"Oh err.. it's not very interesting but I'm the ultimate lucky student! I love your talent though, it sounds really cool!"
The blue eyed boy paused, turned around then said in a sarcastic tone, "There's nothing 'cool' about it. It's just an overall supreme talent, that you clearly weren't lucky enough to be gifted."
My eyes widened, feeling a mix of emotions from the mean comment.
"Well that was unnecessary..."
I sighed, then continued to talk to my other classmates.

Authors note: I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter, it is my first time writing a fan fiction, hopefully it wasn't too horrible to read lol! I am going to write the second chapter now, but I don't know if I'll complete it, I might update the chapters chunks at a time. I was wondering if I should or shouldn't leave the chapter at this point, but seeing as the chapter is about introductions I thought it was an okay place to leave it off. I'll see you in the next chapter :)

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