#2 ~ The Black & White Bear

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I took a deep breath, thankful that the introductions were over. I'm not very good at talking to new people, because I'm really awkward, but everyone seemed to be okay when I talked to them, some were as awkward as me, some were a little bit rude but surprisingly a lot of them were really nice! Like Sayaka and Aoi! I have known Sayaka for a long time, she went to my old school, but I didn't talk to her much. I always wanted to though, but she was just so popular and I was just an average boring kid. I was cut from my thoughts when I heard a loud bell come from the speakers above my head. Everyone stared up to where the noise was coming from.

"Ahem, ahem! Testing testing 1, 2, 3! All students, please make your way to the gym immediately, there's no time to waste! Puhuhuhu..."

We all just stood there, confused as to what we just heard. The voice that made its way out of the speakers was high pitched and squeaky, like something from a kid's show (Yes, this comment was directed at Mickey Mouse, sorry for exposing you Monokuma 😳) , but something felt off- I could feel something sinister from behind the laid-back cheery voice. People started to leave, groaning because it meant they had to find the gym. I think I saw it earlier whilst I was looking for the Entrance hall, so I walked away. Everyone was walking in the opposite direction to me, which kind of had me second guessing myself. Continuing to walk, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around, I saw the tall, blonde boy with glasses from earlier. I think his name was Togami?
"You are going the wrong way. The gym is behind us." he said blankly.
"O-Oh right! Thanks for letting me know!" I felt really embarrassed because I thought I knew where I was going, clearly not though. Togami shrugged with an annoyed expression on his face, then turned around and began walking towards the rest of the group. I also speed-walked to the group so I wasn't left behind.

Once we had reached the gym, I found a place to stand a few meters from other people, but far enough that I wouldn't feel awkward.

"Hello students from Hope's Peak Academy! I am your headmaster, Monokuma!" A teddy bear jumped up from behind the microphone stand, and sat down on top of it. Everyones' expressions said the same thing...

What. the. fuck.

The talking teddy or 'Monokuma' , could obviously read our faces, because he frowned then put his paws on his hips.

"Now, I know what you're thinking and I am NOT a build-a-bear reject!"

( SORRY TO INTERRUPT THE STORY BUT TIME SKIP TO THE END OF MONOKUMA TELLING THEM ABOUT THE KILLING GAME - I know this might frustrate you and if you guys want I can implement it another time, but seeing as you guys have probably already watched danganronpa you know everything that he says, so it might be repetitive and boring for you- back to the story- they are reacting to what Monokuma said )

"W-what?" I stuttered, looking wide eyed at the bear.

"You heard me loud and clear! If you guys want to escape this school, you have to kill each other!"

Gasps and noises of scared confusion filled the room. I started to feel light headed and the room started spinning. Slowly, I started to breathe deeply to regain my stability.

"What the fuck do you mean you want us to kill each other you fucking maniac?!" A boy with a light brown pompadour shouted at Monokuma.
"I'd rather fucking tear you to pieces!" He continued to rage. Mondo then grabbed Monokuma by the neck, and the bear gasped in a mix of faked shock and anger.
"Violence against the headmaster is violation of school rules!"
"I don't care about your shitty rules!"
Beep- beep- beep.
"Why the fuck are you making that noise, given up already?"
A girl with lavender hair and purple eyes gasped and shouted at Mondo,
"Quickly, throw the bear far away from you!"
Mondo looked confused.
But he did as he was told and threw it hard to the other end of the gym. As soon as he did so-
A loud explosion echoed as Mondo just stood there in absolute shock, realising that could've killed him if he didn't throw it.
"W-what the fuck... that could of fucking killed me..!" I smelt gun powder in the air, completely denying my thoughts that the explosion could've been fake and harmless.
A timid girl (it pains me to misgender him but at this point they don't know Chihiro is a boy :c ) looked a little scared to talk but spoke up anyways.
"Does this mean the t-teddy bear went kaboom? It's gone now, right?"
But on time the bear reappeared and spoke very annoyed.
"I told you I am NOT a teddy bear... I am your headmaster!"
Mondo interrupted the bears complaining, still shocked about what just happened.
"You nearly killed me you psychopath! Something is fucking wrong with you!"
The bear tusked and shrugged his arms.
"It was an example to the class of what'll happen to you if you violate school rules."
"I'll beat your ass to nothing!" Mondo continued to threat the bear, Monokuma just shaking his head in disapproval.
"How long will it take you to learn that attacking the bear will only lead to your death? You must be as stupid and pathetic as you look." Togami was throwing insults at the biker, and Mondo snapped his head towards Togami, getting close to him and screaming.
"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to you piece of shit! You're a joke!"
"The only joke around here is your hair."
I wanted to laugh at that joke but now isn't the best time.
"Oh, the narwhal is still throwing empty threats?"
Deciding that I should split them up, I paced over and tried to put my arms between them.
"Guys please stop fighting! Make friends and let this go!"
Togami glared at me, while Mondo slowly twisted his head around then inched forward to tower over me.
"So you're treating me like a damn child, playing buddy buddy huh?"
"N-no it's just that-!"
Before I could continue my sentence, I felt a harsh impact slam against my head, straight afterwards I passed out.

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