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(Y/n)s Pov

"You what!" Kaitlyn shouted. "Shhhh" I covered her mouth. "Sorry sorry." she said scratching her head.

"But really you do?" she said getting closer to me. "Well yea but I only realized right now." I said looking away so she wouldn't see the slight blush on my face. "Well since were confessing right now I might as well say it." I looked at her a little confused. "I like Kuroo." she looked away with a small blush on her face. "For real?!" I shouted a little bit but covered my mouth when I realized how loud I was being.

"Yea, I guess we both have crushes on our best friends." she laughed. "You should tell him, i'm pretty sure he likes you too, I can tell by the way he looks at you that he really cares about you."Kaitlyn said poking  my shoulder and winking at me.

"Never." I said looking at the pale blue sky above of me and Kaitlyn. "Why not?"

"Because I don't want to possibly ruin our friendship, we're doing so well right now and I don't want to mess this up because I have a small crush on Kenma."

"Well.." Kaitlyn got up and swept some
grass off her shorts, "It's worth a shot, and we should head back already the coaches have and announcement."

I nodded and got up with her and we walked to the main gym.

The coaches said that practice will be cut short for today since its the last practice day. I heard a few guys silently celebrating because of the schedule day and some looked a bit sad, I guess they really enjoy volleyball.

Our team was going Fukorodani with Nekoma in the lead and Fulorodani not to far behind. I noticed that Kenma still wasent there with his team, I guess they were still lecturing him about the fight.

Timeskip to after practice game

Kuroo slammed the ball onto the other side of the court making a loud SLAM! sound. As if on que Kenma walked through the door and walked toward s the team. I was handing out water bottles so J didn't see him until he got to me.

"Hey Kenma what did the coaches say." Kuroo asked from behind me.

"Nothing much the other second year got sent home, but I got off with a warning since he threw the first punch but for my punishment I have to run extra laps." he said sadly.

"Don't mind." I said quietly patting him on the shoulder. It didn't seem to cheer him up though.

"Ok guys.." Kaitlyn says from behind Kenma " Oh hi Kenma" she said realizing he was there, he slightly waved and put hix hand down. "Anyway you guys have two more practice games and you'll be done for the day." Kaitlyn said with a smile on her face and giving Kenma and Kuroo and thumbs up. I looked at her and slightly out my thumbs up to try to show support."

Kenma giggled at my little action. Coach Nekomata blew his whistle signaling the start of the next practice games, Kenma frowned and walked to the court along with Kuroo.

End of practice games

We weren't allowed to tell the boys but the coaches were planning a Barbecue for them for all there hard work this week. Us managers were all helping cook and prepare the food and belive me when I say there was A LOT of food. Well I mean we have over 50 6ft tall guys here of course we need a lot of food.

We had just finished taking everything outside when the boys came rushing in eating the food. Kaitlyn and I looked around for Kuroo and Kenma so we can eat with them.

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