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(Y/n)'s Pov

When I woke up it was around 8 and Kaitlyn was still asleep in her futon. Yachi and Kiyoko were up already getting ready. We all were heading to the beach at 10 so we had about 2 hours to look for our swimsuits and get back and maybe getting something to eat since we haven't eaten breakfast yet.

30 minutes later

The only ones going to the nearby shop was Kaitlyn, Kiyoko, Yachi and me. The other girl had already gone yesterday at night so they decided to stay and chill in our dorm room.

I was already ready and me and Kiyoko were waiting for Yachi and Kaitlyn who were almost done. I felt a buzz in my back pocket and reached for my phone to see a text message from Kenma.

Good morning (Y/n) :)

Good morning Kenma:)

Did you just wake up?

Yea.... I was playing games most of the night.

Seriously have you ever heard of sleep?

Sleep? That word in not in my dictionary.

But anyways what are you doing today?

I'm going out with Yachi , Kiyoko and Kaitlyn to buy a swimsuit since I didn't bring one.

Really cool. Well then i'll let you go, have fun:)

Thx bye :)


I put my phone down smiling. "Who were you texting (Y/n)?" Kiyoko asked smiling at me. I looked at her and showed her Kenmas contact. I'm still a little nervous around Kiyoko. She a literal goddess and i'd die of embarrassment if I ever made a mistake in front of her. But otherwise she super nice but also a bit shy too.

"Ok guys we're done sorry for making you guys wait on us." Kaitlyn said grabbing her bag.

"Well let's get going." Yachi said

The shop wasn't too far from the training camp and we didn't have a car so we decided to walk. But before we went we informed our coaches that we would be buying swimsuits. They just told us to be careful and to be back in time before everyone started heading to the beach.

"So Yachi.." Kaitlyn looked at her with a smirk on her face, "What's up with you and Yamaguchi?" Yachi looked away and blushed "W-what, I have no idea what your talking about."  "Cmon Yachi there's nothing to be embarrassed about." Kiyoko said laughing at her.

"Easy for you to say, most of the boys are always after you so your used to this."

"Sooo you didn't deny anything about him, just tell us what you think of him." Kaitlyn nudged her softly.

"Well I he's cute... and he's really nice and shy, but I'm never able to talk to him because he's always around Tsukishima and he's a little intimidating."

"Awww Yachi has a crush!" Kaitlyn slightly shouted

"Shhhh well even if I do don't go telling the whole world!" she said as she covered Kaitlyns mouth with her hands.

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