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Y/n's Pov

I opened the door for my classroom , walked in and sat in my seat. I looked up to see Kenma looking at me. I gave him the tiniest smile. My sort of way of saying thank you. I felt way more comfortable with Kenma now, I feel like I can actually now look him in the eyes which was always sorta hard to do before. But with Kenma everything feels at ease, and i'm pretty sure it's the way that he takes his time with me and how he's not impatient like other people. Kuroo too, there both taking there time to get to know me and that makes me feel good in a way. I don't know what i'm saying but I think i'm finally getting better.:)

Time skip after class cause i'm

Class was finished and I was waiting in the hallway for Kaitlyn to show up but she then texted me that she needed to stay for extra credit. I frowned and started walking to me my next class. "Can I walk with you?" I heard a voice behind me, I turned around and saw Kenma with his phone in his hands. I smiled and nodded.He looked a little surprised by me actually showing him human interaction which I thought was a little funny so I laughed a little but I covered my smile with my hand. "What's so funny?" Kenm asked. I shook my head (nothing) and giggled a little again still covering my face with my hands. "You shouldn't cover your smile (Y/n) , you look pretty when you do." he looked away blushing. I'm sure my face turned as red as a tomato. I stopped at my next class and Kenma seemed to have noticed. "Um.. can I walk with you to your next class." he said blushing looking down at his feet. I felt butterflies in my stomach but nodded yes immediately. "Ok see you then." he smiled and waved while walking to his next class. I walked into class and sat down kind of exited and waiting for the period to end.

Time skip to the end of the day

Kenma and I walked to every class together but Kaitlyn and I didn't walk to class together at all. I actually saw her walking with Kuroo they seem to get along quite nice😉😉

Kenma waited outside for me last period outside since we both had to go to practice we also decided to walk together there. When we walked into the gym Kaitlyn and Kuroo were already there and both dressed into there gym clothes. "Well i'm going to get changed see you in a while?" I nodded and went to the girls locker room to change. When I came out I looked around for Kenma but he wasn't in the gym yet, he was probably still changing or playing games. I decided to walk up to Kuroo and Kaitlyn. They were both laughing and seemed to be having a good time, they should just admit they like each other it's so obvious. Kaitlyn saw me and ran up to hug me, "( Y/n)-chann (she only called me that when she missed me a lot) I missed you so muchhhh." I then whispered into her ear "Then why didn't you come up to me?" she looked at me with a smirk. "Well because I saw you with Kenma and I didn't want to interrupt you guys." 😏 I blushed and joking slapped her on the arm. "Ow (Y/n) that hurtttt." she faked cried. I completely forgot that Kuroo was there until he said " Hey chibi-chan" he raised his hand for a high five. I've never returned his high five before and i'm sure he thought that I wouldn't but i've been feeling more comfortable around him lately so I tippy toed a little and slapped his hand. His eyes and Kaitlyns eyes widened when you did that. "Oh my god Kaitlyn did you see that." Kuroo said facing Kaitlyn. "Yup, the whole thing." she started jumping up and down in excitement. "(Y/n) i'm so proud of you" she hugged me and I blushed a little. Then Kenma walked out and saw Kaitlyn hugging me still. "What happened?" he asked "Chibi-chan finally gave me a high five." Kuroo said. "Really? Today she asked me for help to go to the restroom." Kaitlyn looked up shocked " Really?" I always thought (Y/n) would make contact with Kuroo first." she turns to Kuroo " I guess that just means that (Y/n) just like Kenma more." she teased Kuroo. Kuroo frowned " Whatever."🥲 "Anyways guys I forgot to tell you that where going to a training camp next week so be ready." Kuroo said. " Yea and make sure you keep Bokuto under control please." Kenma said tiredly.
"Who's Bokuto?" Kaitlyn asked "He's one of my really good friends from Fukirodani and he's in the top 5 aces in the country." He said bragging. I wont lie i'm a little nervous but this might give me a chance to start communicating more with other people besides just Kuroo, Kenma and Kaitlyns.
(Wow the three K's)
"Are you going to come to the training camp?" Kenma asked me. I nodded yes and turned away to Kaitlyn. "Well guys practice is starting so let's go." Kaitlyn said and we are started practice.

Time skip after practice:)

Practice was ending and Coach nekomata gave me and Kaitlyn permission slips for the training camp next week. "I'm hoping you both can come next week , we'll be needing all the help we can get , just make sure your parent or guardian signs there signature and contact information and you both will be good to go." "Ok thank you coach." Kaitlyn smiled and did a small bow. I looked at him and gave a smile and also gave a small bow. Then we both left the gym to go walk home with Kenma and Kuroo.

"Hey guys you ready." Kaitlyn called out to Kuroo and Kenma who were in the gym. "We actually have cleaning duty today so you guys can just go ahead without us we'll see you tomorrow." Kuroo said sadly. "Oh ok then see you tomorrow byeee." she waved bye at them. I also waved bye at Kenma and he gave the cutest little wave back, wait what?! What am I thinking again? Ugh it's probably just a phase or something. I blushed a little and me and Kaitlyn walked out of the gym and went home.

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