Bet you didnt expect this huh?

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"Let's break up.."

"What," I swear my heart dropped to my stomach.

"You heard me." Kenma said not making eye contact.

"Wha- did I do something wrong?" I tried to hold back the strain on my voice. What could have gone wrong? We seemed just fine yesterday.

"You just don't interest me anymore (Y/n) i'm sorry." he finally looked me in the eye. Was this a prank? No.. There's no emotion on his face. Is this actually it? After everything? Is this how it ends?

"If that's what you want." I said emotionless and walked down the opposite way of our school hallway.

Oh yea, I feel it now. That sharp pain, like a knife stabbing me in the chest, body feeling cold, a burning sensation in my chest. Suddenly it's really blurry. What the hell? I thought I had 2020 vision.

"No, i'm not going to cry...."

is what I would say if the the boy i've been in love with for a year didn't just breaks things off with me.

Tears won't stop falling, what am I going to do?



(Y/n) wake up !

My eyes opened.

(Y/n), the bell rung already, Mr. Himari chuckled. I looked around to see we were the only ones left in the classroom.

*Oh crap* I gathered my things quickly, bowed to Mr. Himari and rushed down the hallway.

Feeling something trickle slowly down the side of my cheek and wiped my face.

Man what a messed up dream.

"Um hello to you too."

I turned around, Kaitlyn stared at me.

"Sorry sorry, i'm in a rush."

"To what? Learn? Ew gross." she threw her arm over me.  "Why can't you just skip with me, we can get go get lunch, I skipped mine. Pleaseee (Y/n)." she put her hands together begging.

I looked at her obviously annoyed.

"You wouldn't let your besto friendo starve by herself would you?" she eyed me.

"I would let a lot of things happen to you." she frowned. "Why not just go with Kuroo, i'm sure he'll skip class to be with you."

"Yeaaaa but he's missed so much class cause of me, and you never skipped before, why not live a little?"

"Hmmmmmmm, I don't know, i'm supposed to meet Kenma after this class."

"Freak your boyfriend he can hang out with my boyfriend, which he's technically his too."
she rolled her eyes  "C'mon, we'll be back before 4th period I promise." she held up her pinky.

I signed, "Ok ok, we better be."

"Great !, I promise you won't regret this."

So yea we never went back.😐

We did however make it 30 minutes before the boy's practice started.

"You go ahead, i'll be right in,  I left my practice clothes in my locker."

"Alright come in when your done I'll start getting things ready." she hurried into the gym.

I rushed to my locker quickly, and all I could think about was that dream I had earlier today. I could feel my heart beat quicken just from the thought of it.

"Whats got you shaken up huh?"

I turned to a very familiar voice, one that gave me butterflies every time I heard it.

"Kenma, hey." I smiled feeling really relieved, I let go of a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

He walked toward me slowly. "Where were you today? , I didn't see you after 2nd period." he moved my hair out of my face. I feel more relaxed from his touch.

"Oh yea sorry, Kaitlyn convinced me to skip with her, I would've texted but my phone died."

"I don't mind, just missed you today that's all."  he wrapped his arms around me and pull me in for a hug.

"Did you have fun?" he's kissed my forehead.

"Yea, we ate at a cafe and went to and arcade place, too bad you weren't there." I smiled at him.

" I know, I would have completely beat you at everything." he laughed.

"Oh whatever, i'm getting better everyday." I rolled my eyes.

" Oh yea i'm sure you are."

"Yea and I-"

"Chop-chop lovebirds we got practice!" A very annoying voice interrupted me.
Kenma and I looked behind us as saw Kuroo in his gear warming up his upper body.

We both death stared him, we knew he did it on purpose. "Ok ok geez i'm sorry, but seriously hurry it up or extra laps." he went back to the gym.

"Ughh annoying." Kenma looked back at me.

"I guess he's right, we better hurry." I let go of him and got my clothes from my locker.

I started to turn but he stopped me and turned me back to him slowly.

"Hold up hold up." he grabbed my face softly with both his hands. "Since I didn't see you much today."

I smiled, knowing to well already.

He pulled me in and kissed me softly, and then moved on to kissing my whole face. My forehead, my left cheek, right cheek and my my nose.

"Ok ok now you can go." He left me go now satisfied.

I blushed happily satisfied as well and started walking away.

"Wait wait."  I turned around and he kissed me again.

I laughed his name "Kenma!"

"Ok ok ok, nowww you can go." he laughed.

I finally started walking to the gym.

Yea, dreams are just dreams. Thank god it was.

A/N- HEYYY BABES. I KNOW ITS BEEN LITERALLY FOREVER. Butttt I wanted to do a small story just to see how everyone is doing after Kenma and Y/N got together. Just a little background information kendra and why and have been together for a year already. Hope I don't give you guys a heart attack ! Love youuu <3

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