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(Y/n) Pov's

We got on the bus and I sat this time I sat down with Kaitlyn. She looked a bit flushed for some reason and she also looked really tired so I thought she might be sick so I put my hand up to her forehead to check.

"Hm (Y/n) what are you doing?" she looked at me weirdly.

"I thought you might be sick or something." I whispered to her pulling my hand back.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well because your really red."

She only seemed to get even more red when I said that.

"What are you talking about?, nothings wrong i'm probably just tired I mean it's so early in the morning." she said looking away, but she was looking at something...


Wait hold up- I totally forgot she told me she likes Kuroo but what was she blushing about. It probably has something to do with him.

"Spill." I told her

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Come on Kaitlyn you know can't hide anything from me, something happened with Kuroo right?"

She looked away from me looking down at her feet slightly blushing.

Kaitlyn is very caring and lovable to people she cares about but she's also stubborn and sometimes hot-headed so it's tough to get things out of her sometimes.

"Come on in your best friend you can tell me."

She looked at me and then at her hands.

"Ok ok fine, its so weird how only you can do that to me."

I smiled getting comfortable ready for me to tell me the story.

"Well yesterday.."

Yesterday Kaitlyn's Pov

"(Y/n) go to bed already we have to be up early." I said pushing (Y/n) into her futon and throwing the cover over her.

Tapping at her wrist she signaled time. She was probably on youtube or something, if not she was most likely texting Kenma. They should just get together already, but then (Y/n) can be super dense sometimes.

I was just about to lay down when I heard my phone buzz. I grabbed it a saw a text from Kuroo. I could feel my heart flutter a little bit. He doesn't really send text this late.

Meet me outside.

What's with that text? Weird way of asking to hang out but ok.


I put on a hoodie real quick since it was a bit cold outside and headed outside quietly to make sure I didn't wake anyone. Now that I realize it I didn't ask where to meet him so I just kept walking. I ended up just walking around for 5 minutes and walked into and empty gym. It wasn't very dark since the night lights were in but it was still dim.

I could see someone sitting on the bleachers in the far corner of the gym. I walked towards them and as I was getting closer I realized it was Kuroo.

"Yo" He look up at me and smiled "Hey Kay." he said and patted the spot next to him. I went up and sat next to him.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him.

"No, i'm just bored and didn't want to be alone." he said softly.

I laid my head on the wall and closed my eyes.

"It's ok, I don't like being alone either."

I felt something like my cheek. I opened my eyes and turned to see Kuroo hand me a head phone. I took it, got a bit closer to him and put it in my ear.

The song Fly love by Jamie Fox was playing.

I laughed a little, I didn't take Kuroo the type to listen to this type of music.

He got up and grabbed my hand.

"Dance with me." he said pulling me.

"What, no way." I pulled back.

"C'mon Kaitlyn no ones looking." he said grabbing my other arm pulling me up.

"No seriously I cant dance."

"It's ok i'll show you just falling my lead."

He looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Ugh fine, but only for. a little bit."

I got up hesitantly and went up to him. He grabbed my hands and put them on his shoulder and then he put his own hands in my waist. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

Slowly we started swaying side to side.

"See it's not that hard is it? Your a natural at this." he look down at me.

"Yea, i'm for sure a pro now." I laughed

We swayed back and fourth for awhile that was until the song ended, but we didn't let go of each other. He was softly looking at me straight in the eyes. He laid his head down on my shoulder. I was surprised from the sudden act.

"What are you doing?" i asked

He didn't respond but he stayed there for a few more seconds till finally he brought his head back up. Once again we were staring into each other's eyes. I couldn't bring myself to look away, I noticed that we seemed to be getting closer by each second that passed.

At this point our noses were almost touching. He leaned in and so did I but just as our lips were about to connect he pushed back.

"I'm.. sorry I don't know what I was thinking." Kuroo walked back grabbing his phone.

"Wait Kur-."  I chased but he started to walk off in my opposite direction.

Before he could take another step I grabbed his shirt  pulled him towards me and kissed him.

He didn't waste anytime, he wrapped his arms around my waste and pull me closer to him. It was a passionate kiss and lasted several seconds before we both pulled away.

It took me a FAT minute to process what I just did. I immediately turned around and started walking out towards the exit of the gym.

Wait- I almost forgot.

"Goodnight." I smiled and ran away towards our dorms."

(Y/n)'s Pov

"And then I went back to the dorms and went to bed, I can't say I got much sleep though." she tiredly rubbed her eyes.

My mouth was hanging open at this point. Kaitlyn closed my mouth with her hand.

"So are you guys a thing?" I laid back on my seat.

"I don't know? It happens yesterday, I think maybe we should take things slow."

"Take things slow? So a year is too fast for you?"

"Not what I mean, but I don't even know if I can face him after this." she buried her head in her knees.

"Well he kissed back so obviously he feels the same way."

"Yea.. maybe."

"Cmon Kay he'd be stupid to pass up on a girl like you, you what forget about him and just relax a little."

"Yea, I guess your right." she laid her head back. "Wake me up up when we get home?"

I nodded.

"Great , i'll speak to you in 3 hours."

And she fell asleep. I stayed up most of the ride listening to music and thinking about a certain someone.

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