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Burcu Ozberk as Fanaa Ilnaz

"I'm either going to jump off this window or the next one. The jumping is the only consistency I need."

Andrew Garfield as Remus Lupin

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Andrew Garfield as Remus Lupin

"I'm off to snatch the minimal amount of sleep I need to see another day and if one of you lot wake me up I swear on Merlin's beard that you certainly won't see another day."

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Neelam Gill as Ruhi Arora

"I am this close to selling my soul to the devil in return for 101 waffle cones WITH sprinkles."


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Ben Barnes as Sirius Black

"Who cares if the tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it? How'd we even know it fell if we couldn't hear it?"

"Who cares if the tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it? How'd we even know it fell if we couldn't hear it?"

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Lin Yi as Rylen Wei

"I'd totally help, but the thing is I have half a slice of cheesecake waiting for me in the kitchens and it's my moral obligation to not keep it waiting much longer."

Aaron Taylor-Johnson as James Potter

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Aaron Taylor-Johnson as James Potter

"Why does everyone seem to think my only personality trait is liking Lily Evans?"

Karen Gillan as Lily Evans

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Karen Gillan as Lily Evans

"And then I said to her, how could you not notice the gigantic stinkbug on your forehead, how could you not feel it?"

"And then I said to her, how could you not notice the gigantic stinkbug on your forehead, how could you not feel it?"

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Jamie Bell as Peter Pettigrew

"Maybe we shouldn't." Deep pause. "OK, fine. I guess we can."

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Too Pretty // Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now