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"If I stare at this any longer, my eyes are gonna pop out of their sockets." Fanaa Ilnaz grumbled staring at her Potions assignment. She and her two close friends Rylen and Ruhi were huddled in a corner of the Hogwarts' library, desperately trying to finish the homework they had forgone the whole weekend.

"Funny, you don't seem to feel that way when you're looking at a certain someone." Ruhi grumbled, sweeping her hair past her face in order to eye her friend with disdain.

"There's a difference between staring at art and staring at words blending together on parchment, Ruhi."

"Oh please, do not start again about Lupin, the last time you went into a speech over all the reasons why you want to marry him and I dreamed about him all night long." Rylen slammed his head against the surface of the table earning himself a disapproving glare from Madam Pince. He looked up and cheekily smiled at the older lady. "Love you, Irma!"

She glared at him but then chuckled nonetheless. After all, the trio was her favorite group of Ravenclaws.

Fanaa, Ruhi, and Rylen liked to think of themselves as bootleg Ravenclaws who were the perfect example of latent learning. The idiots seemed dumb as hell unless seen in action. Ruhi had a bad habit of asking so many questions that many people ended up questioning the sorting hat for putting her with the genius house. Meanwhile, Rylen never paid attention during class and always ended up teaching himself whatever he needed to learn and cramming at the very last second.

And Fanaa, God, she was a painful mixture of both her friends. Although, she did rely on Ruhi to ask most of the questions, she herself had the terrible habit of running late and procrastinating. Not to mention her possessions. She was a mess. A walking mess. 

Not despite their shortcomings, there were other reasons why people were shocked that the three were Ravenclaws. First of all, the trio liked a good party. In fact, they had made quite the reputation for doing group karaoke and also dancing together. The rest of the house was often appalled because how the hell does someone drink a pint of fire-whiskey (Rylen) and somehow manage to grab the extra credit point on the test they barely studied for (also Rylen). 

The eccentric trio of friends, no matter how rowdy, were at par with the Marauders. Therefore, they never lasted as the talk of the school, because the notorious Gryffindors always topped them in some way or another. But that was fine for the three, because although they all had terrible attention seeking habits, at the end of the day, when they were finally sobered up to some extent, they'd like to remain unseen.

The group had two connections with the Marauders. Number 1, Sirius has asked both Ruhi and Fanaa out on multiple occasions. The former had listed many reasons as to why that was a terrible idea while the latter snorted on her coke as she laughed at his request.

The second connection was the Fanaa Ilnaz has a hopeless, big, fat crush on Remus Lupin. Because of him, she'd ran into wall 23 times, zoned out in class and gotten called out at least a 1000, and written 25 million poems.

They weren't any good though.

The sleepy Ravenclaws left the library just before curfew, somehow finding it in themselves to make a pact and split their homework equally between Saturday and Sunday of next week.

"I feel like my legs are made of jelly." Rylen grumbled.

"I feel like my legs are in fact jelly." Ruhi replied.

"Yum. Jelly." Fanaa sleepily drawled. 

The three neared their common room, Rylen giving the girls a little salute as he made his way up to the boy's dormitories.

"You're starting class with the Gryffindors tomorrow aren't you?" Ruhi wiggled her eyebrows.

Fanaa couldn't help but smile. "And the Hufflepuffs."

Ruhi rolled her eyes. "But it's the Gryffindors you're most excited about!"

"I wonder if he'll be just as sweet as he seems."

"The whole castle sings praise of Lupin! Of course he'll be!"

"I hope so." Fanaa slipped into the covers of her bed, too tired from the evening's workload to even change out of her uniform. Tomorrow was another day to try and not procrastinate-a goal she knew she'd never accomplish.

Too Pretty // Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now