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Fanaa walked into the Potions classroom, a frown adorning her dark features as she had just spilt coffee all over her skirt. It wasn't really fault actually, it's just that Remus Lupin had made eye contact with her from across the Great Hall, and ever since the taller boy had recommended 1001 Nights to her in their first year, she couldn't help but be a bit smitten. And so he had looked right at her, his eyebrow raised as if challenging her to hold his gaze, and she-like the idiot Rylen Wei believes her to be-had tripped over thin air and sent her coffee flying. Now, she desperately hoped that she would make a better second impression on the Gryffindor prefect as she possibly could on the first day of classes since returning to Hogwarts last night, beginning her 6th year.

Fanaa didn't stop frowning even as she took a seat next to a loud redhead bickering away with a dark haired boy with glasses who she presumed to be the school's heartthrob James Potter. She wished she could accio herself as an aspirin, but her home was a bit far away to do just that, so she settled with slamming her forehead with her stack of books for Godric knows what reason.

"Oh for the love of god, stop that!" The redhead snatched Fanaa's book out of her hands.

"Sorry, my head's been killing me." Fanaa mumbled, lifting her head to make eye contact and offer a tired smile.

The redhead broke out in a grin. "Oh an American? I see. Must be an American thing to cure a headache with blunt force trauma!"

Fanaa laughed. "I forgot that not everyone knew I was American. It's my first class with Gryffindors anyway!"

"Ah, that makes sense! I'm Lily Evans by the way!" The girl outstretched her hand and Fanaa shook it enthusiastically.

"Fanaa Ilnaz, it's great to meet you." Fanaa was happy to have made a friend even at the start of such a terrible day.

"If you don't mind me asking Fanaa, what are you doing in this class? It's supposed to be only Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs, and you're obviously a Ravenclaw!" Lily inquired, tucking a strand of her behind her ear and leaning closer to the Ravenette away from James' kissy faces in her peripheral.

"Oh well, my schedule was a bit messed up this year. I'm taking too many classes." Fanaa couldn't help but notice James Potter continue to ogle at Lily.

"You know he's staring at you?" She whispered.

"I know, you reckon he'll stop if I smack him with your book?" Lily groaned.

Fanaa grinned. "As long you don't break it over his thick skull."

"HEY! I HEARD THAT! I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW MY SKULL IS VERY MUCH NORMAL!" A cry rang out in protest to Fanaa's words and she was met with a very offended Potter before her.

"Yes, I can testify to my best friend's mental health, but who might you be fair lady?" Another boy stepped beside James, his curly hair framing his chiseled features as he wiggled his eyebrows at her suggestively.

"Well for one I'm certainly not fair, second of all, I'd much rather learn your name than give mine, tall dark and handsome." Fanaa wiggled her eyebrows back at him.

Sirius Black in all his glory grinned as he took a seat in front. "Wow Evans, I like this one where'd you find her?"

"For goodness' sake Black, must you flirt with everything with a pair of legs." Lily glared but even she couldn't help but let out a small smile at that. "Where's the sensible one out of you bunch anyway?"

Fanaa perked up in her seat. There were more?

"Ahh, Remmykins accidentally slipped on a puddle of coffee in the Great Hall, and went off to change his uniform as he grumbled a couple of choice words for the bearer of the coffee."

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