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The fall season flew by at Hogwarts, and before either group of friends realized, October was upon them. Between regular quarrels and repeated detentions, Remus and Fanaa had learnt nothing, both in a constant turmoil to oust one another in the class leadership board, gain the most house points, or even just best each other with comebacks. It was another pretty Autumn afternoon, as the Potions class awaited their latest test results and like always, Fanaa Ilnaz and Remus Lupin were immersed in a fiery argument.

"You wouldn't know a thing about how to brew veritaserum even if it hit you over the head Lupin!" Fanaa exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air for emphasis. Lily Evans shook her head in disappointment besides her.

"Please, you rarely pay attention in class and you're constantly cramming. Don't tell me you think you actually have a chance getting a higher score on this test." Remus angrily replied.

"Well I am a Ravenclaw after all!"

Remus's pretty face turned into a sneer. "I heard that you were almost sorted into Slytherin, which would make sense considering that you're such a conniving little-"

Fanaa stood up, slamming the palms of her hands against the desk. "Do not finish that sentence, Lupin. I know we're academic rivals, but that's a low blow. I didn't think you'd be the type to hold prejudice like that."

Remus stood up as well leaning dangerously close to her. "You don't know me at all Ilnaz." He snarled.

"You'd be surprised."

"I most certainly wouldn't."

"From the bottom of my heart-I don't give a fuck."

"Then accept the fact that I am-and will continue to hold the 1st position in this class, and there's nothing you're Ravenclaw arse can do about it."

Fanaa huffed, sitting back in her seat and crossing her arms over her chest, for once breaking eye contact with Lupin. It was at moments like these where she'd lose her cool, and be reminded of her long time crush on the boy in front of her. It broke her heart that the nicest human being in all of Hogwarts hated her guts, but maybe he really wasn't who she thought he was after all.

Remus also took his seat. He didn't try to be rude to her, it was just that she held some sort of special ability to make him see red in a matter of minutes. She brought out the worst in him, the animalistic darker side and he hated that.

Professor Slughorn started to pass the test papers back and Remus nervously lifted his own over. He smirked. It was a 100. How the hell was she going to top that. He turned around, pride in his movement as trained his gaze on her, a relaxed expression on his face.

"Let's see it Ilnaz." He raised an eyebrow, gesturing to her paper.

Fanaa faked a sad look, biting her lip tentatively. "Lupin, I don't think I want to show your my paper, maybe-"

"So I was right! Ha!" He shouted gleefully, turning his own paper towards her. "Hard to top a 100, love, but perhaps next time."

Fanaa's facial expression changed in front of his very eyes. Her chestnut brown eyes, laden with eyeliner and kohl as always crinkled at the corner as she broke out laughing.

She turned her paper to him as an answer to his confused expression.

"A fucking 102? How the hell does that even work!" He whisper-shouted so the Professor wouldn't hear his colorful language.

Fanaa pursed her lips as if she was busy thinking before her face broke into another devilish smile. "It's called paying attention Lupin. If you had perhaps noticed the extra question at the bottom corner of the page in subscript writing, then you'd have a score like mine."

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