Chapter 1️⃣6️⃣

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Ammika's POV

I was sitting outside on the front stairs, waiting for Joe. I just wanted to see him so bad. This hold he has on me is strong and I don't necessarily hate it, but it's an adjustment. I think about him a lot and when I'm not thinking about him, I'm thinking about thinking about him. I know it sounds crazy but, I believe I am really falling for him.

My family could potentially mess this up for me and that's why I just don't want this meeting to happen. I know Joe doesn't scare easily, but my family can be pretty persuasive with getting people to go away. I hope they like him, and I hope then I'll ask us how we met. That's gonna be kind of embarrassing to tell my family. Overall, I hope this goes well.

I text Joe to see how close he is, then I see a blue car coming up the driveway. I've never seen this car before a day in my life, so I don't know who this is. I instantly get suspicious and call my brother.

"TY!" I yell.

I watch as they drive closer, then I notice it's Joe. He pulls up, then gets out. A huge smile grows in my face, then when we lock eyes.

"What's up?" My bother says walking outside.

"Oh it's nothing. Joe's here." I say with a smile. He doesn't say anything, he just stands there.

Joe gets out of his car and instead of walking over to me, he just stands there and leans on the car.


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"Hey." He smiles.

"Get your ass over here!" I say

"No you come here." He says, and as he says that I quickly made my way over to him. It was like he had control over me. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him.

"Did you miss me?" He asks, looking into my eyes.

"I've missed you so much." He smiles and kisses me on the lips. After a few seconds, we hear my brother clearing his throat. He puts me down and I step back.

"Shut up, Ty." I say and he just walks away. "He's such an asshole. Anyway, new car?"

"Yeah, I needed a distraction. So I thought I'd try out McLaren."

I circle the car, looking at it.

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