Chapter 9️⃣

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Joe's POV

It was about a week after we had "the talk" and I was fully confident and behind me showing her who I was, and what I do. I know now she isn't the type to switch things up on me and start acting different, so I'm going to show her tonight. She's getting pretty suspicious because I'm out of town weekly and she doesn't know why. She knows it's work but she doesn't ask questions and I know she has them.

To make things a little more concrete, I told her I'd pick her up from her place, and I'm going to bring her back to mine. We're going to have a talk about it, I don't know exactly what I'm going to say yet, but I'm not going to back out. This has gone on for too long, and I need to tell her.

This will be my first time going to her house. I've picked her up from here before, but I've never been inside. I know it's crazy but we've kind of been cooped up in my house for so long, I forgot she didn't live there. It was like once we met and she came over, she never left. Technically, she did but you know what I mean.

I just got into town the other day and I just dropped the kids off at school, so I have until 3 o'clock to get all of this out and in the open, and answer whatever questions she has. I'm so nervous about this. Lobo didn't stay with me last night because she went to dinner with her friend, Jessica. I talked to her, but she didn't tell me how everything went, so hopefully she'll give me the rundown on that today. Jessica is the only one who knows what I do, she actually knows all of us. I hope she didn't say anything to her before I was able to.

 I hope she didn't say anything to her before I was able to

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I pulled up to her building, parked and went in. As I was on the elevator, I called to tell her I was coming to her door.

"Hello?" She answers

"Hey, I'll be at your door in a second."

"You're coming up?" She asks

I laugh, "Yeah. What, you don't want me to know your boyfriend lives with you?" I say getting off the elevator.

She laughs as well, "I just wish you would've told me. I have shit everywhere."

"That's good. This allows me to see how messy you really are."

"Can you wait downstairs, or in your car?" She asks

"Seriously? No. I'm not doing that. It's fine Lobo. Is it 1694, or 1696? I know it's one or the other."

"1696." She says

"Open the door." I say, then end the call.

She's funny.

It takes her a minute but she answers the door. I know it wasn't enough time for her to clean up her entire condo, so I wasn't really tripping about the couple of things that she rushed to pick up before she answered the door. I just laughed to myself. I think it's so cute.

She opens the door looking as if she was rushing, but I'm sure that's exactly what she was doing.

"Hey." I step in and hug her, picking her up at the same time. "I never knew how much of a bitch it is getting to Harbour Island. Traffic was horrible." I say hugging her.

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