
16 1 0

so i strtd listening2 gorillaz again and by that i mean ive been playing dare on repeat :smilingn_emoji:
this was the idea that jumped into mybrain when i was listening to it

// yelling, mentions of feeling sick, vomiting

just another friday after-

another friday evening.
a day where his brain isn't controllable;
a day where his brain is on autopilot;

dark - to light - green music replaying,
instilling a series of violent shivers that won't leave, even if he had to flee the facility.

green music with sickening red undertones own his heart, of course
he's imprisoned by blood-curdling music and escapism is completely out of sight.

the type thats linked to doubling over the toilet bowl,
toxic green dribbling down his lips.
blinding, bright red being the only color visible.
the type thats linked to deep, velvety purple screams and taunts from the other side of the bathroom door.

the type that he's forced to get used to.
wondering; is anyone pleased with my suffering yet?


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