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rynn stared at the dead body under her leather-clad foot with no emotion shown on her face

that was her mother, riley alastair who she just stabbed to death

she took her own mother's intestines and tore them out of her body, without any regret

rynn knew the pain would kick in later though, but that wasn't the case.
she had to hide the body for now

so she took the heavy mass of flesh and walked to whitewashed beach at the edge of aurasia.

"bye bye mom, i love you," she whispered, then lowered her down into the water to be washed away by the strong current.

her body floated away, then sunk down slowly.

that's when the waterworks started, she started to cry.

the regret was eating her up on the inside already and she wished she didn't kill her only parent left.

"i'm sorry, i'm so sorry," she said softly, before she ran away from the beach to her home.

the 15-year-old with the platinum blonde hair and piercing blue eyes was now alone.

and it was the worst feeling she ever felt.

she reached her small, white-walled home and collapsed onto the floor of the living room, face already streaming with tears.

with shaking hands, she grabbed her phone and managed to find the contact of her best friend, ree platinum.

this isn't going to work, she thought, but kept her hopes high enough to believe that her soulmate would answer her call, after 3 years without keeping in contact with her.

it ringed
once, twice, thrice.

"hello?" asked a broken voice.

and rynn broke down again.

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