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we walk back over to dallas, who was looking at all the different movies playing today.

"well, we better let you get busy" i say to devin, letting dallas know we can leave.

"right..lovely meeting you dallas" devin says. dallas just rolls his eyes and begins walking out. i wave and follow behind him.

we get back in the car, and i scoff loudly. "couldn't have at least tried to be pleasant?"

"was i not?" he asks sarcastically, trying to hide a grin.

"i'm serious, dallas" i say, getting his attention. "i really like him, i want it to work out between us."

he looks at me puzzled for a moment, then turns away. i watch him as he takes a deep breath, then starts the car.

"what?" i ask as he pulls out.

"nothin, man" he says curtly.

we drive in silence for a bit, the energy not the same as usual.

i bite my lip "do you wanna do somethin?" i ask quietly.

"like what? it's gonna get dark soon, you're brothers will kill me if-"

"god dallas, since when did you care? you took me to vandalize randy's car after the movies, remember?" i say laughing.

he doesn't respond, keeps his eyes on the road.

i rest my elbow on the door, leaning my head on my hand as i look outside.

"let's go to the beach, it's perfect weather."

"do you know how far that is?" he says with a bit of anger.

"come on, i'll pay for gas" i beg.

he glares at me, then gives in.

we drove for about an hour and half, not really talking, just listened to music. maybe said a few words to each other, but not much.

the beach is quite full, it's the weekend and the sun is setting in a few minutes.

i hop out of the car and run down, into the sand. dallas runs after me.

once he catches up, we walk closer to the water together, finding an open spot to sit.

people that were here previous must have left their firewood. he lights it quickly, i watch as i lie in the sand.

ANNALISE | Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now